Ondrej Novy <n...@ondrej.org> writes:

> do I understand you correctly that there is no default Python in
> Debian? :)

:-) Hopefully a little polite repetition will help the point become
clearer, though Andrey said it plainly in the initial response.

Shirish, now that we've established there is no “default Python” in
Debian, you may want to know that there *is* a concept of the default
interpreter for *a specific Python major version*.

You can ask the Debian system. First choose which Python major version
(currently Python 2 or Python 3) you want, then run the command to ask
what interpreter command to use:

    $ pyversions --default  # What is the name of the default Python 2 
interpreter command?

    $ py3version --default  # What is the name of the default Python 3 
interpreter command?

Note that you can *only* ask about the default within a specific Python
major version. Each of those commands is installed by a completely
separate Python environment, and neither of them care about the other:

    $ dpkg --search $(which pyversions py3versions)
    python-minimal: /usr/bin/pyversions
    python3-minimal: /usr/bin/py3versions

The ‘pyversions’ command asks *only* about Python 2. The ‘py3versions’
commandasks *only* about Python 3.

The answer you get for “default interpreter” depends which Python major
version you choose to interrogate; there's no default choice.

 \     “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will |
  `\      not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog |
_o__)                    and a man.” —Mark Twain, _Pudd'n'head Wilson_ |
Ben Finney

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