
> pygame in Debian testing is currently python2 only, I am sure I am not
> alone in thinking this is not a good state of affairs given that pygame is
> frequently used for introducing people to programming.
> pygame in sid has python3 support but is held back from migrating to
> testing by three rc bugs.  None of which have had any response from the
> maintainer.
> One of those is a FTBFS with python 3.7 which is apparently fixed
> upstream.  So presumably the best thing to do about this one would be to
> update the package to the new upstream.  I may have a go at this myself
> but I'm not an expert in python packaging so I don't know how well I will
> do.
> The other two are testsuite failures on architectures where frankly I
> doubt pygame has many users*.  I may also take a look at these after the
> new upstream version is dealt with but I don't think it's worth putting
> huge amounts of effort into pygame on architectures where I doubt it has
> any users and I equally don't think it should be allowed to block the
> availability of python3-pygame in testing on architectures people do
> actually care about, so if the root cause cannot be found quickly I would
> propose either disabling the tests on these architectures or requesting
> the ftpmasters remove the binaries.
> Anyone have any comments or suggestions?

Yes. I am the maintainer whom you accuse of not maintaining the package.

Sorry to say that, but all your assumptions are wrong - all of the bugs you
mention are handled, tagged accordingly in the BTS, new uploads are prepared
in the packaging repository, and fixing last issues for the upload are being
coordinated with upstream, keeping the buster release schedule in mind:


Anything more I can do for you?


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