On 10/20/18 11:49 AM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 11:17:31PM +0200, Jerome Kieffer wrote:
>>> Salsa is only for official Debian packages. Are you going to update
>>> python-rfoo in Debian?
>> Well, I created the version which is in debian for a few years and yes,
>> I would like to update it (with migration to python3, ...).
> Then you should have asked how to update package in Debian, not about
> salsa. Please read https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers and
> consider moving the package to DPMT
> (https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/PythonModulesTeam/HowToJoin).

Andrey, I found both of your messages in this thread very
counter-productive. Why not just directly Jerome to our wiki?

Jerome, just read over here:

Also interesting:

I hope this helps,

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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