On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 09:58:45AM +0000, Nick Morrott wrote:
> > Cool.  Thanks a lot.  Your outright contribution was very helpful and
> > really welcome.  The only change I made is to revert your commit
> > 38022ac5 since there is no point in changing the upstream source that
> > way.  I agree upstream should not ship that file but if its in the
> > upstream tarball I see no need to remove it here.
> Apologies about that.

No problem. :-)

> My build failed immediately due to the presence
> of that file when I started testing, and removing it got the build to
> proceed so I could look at the test failures.
> That file is not present in their upstream github repository at the
> release date of 0.9.37. pypi points to the repo as the definitive
> source location so it's my fault for not investigating the pypi
> tarball further.

Strange. I have no idea how this file might have sneaked in.  It might
be that PyPI changed the content of the file without renaming it?  I
used what I once obtained and stored in pristine-tar.  May be you
did not used `gbp buildpackage` - thus the difference.

> If it persists it can obviously always be removed
> automatically via d/copyright if desired.

It never harmed my build.  I tend to not touch the original tarball via
d/copyright to keep the md5sum equally to the download - which does not
seem to be the case any more if you are right (I did not mind to check
admittedly).  I guess it will "heal" for the next version and I have
more important things than this on my desk now.
> > Definitely.  Package is uploaded - one worry less. :-)
> Excellent!

Thanks again



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