On Tue, 23 Jul 2019 10:40:29 -0400 (EDT)
Scott Talbert <s...@techie.net> wrote:

> When removing leaf python2 packages for bullseye, is there anything 
> special that needs to be done, other than removing the building of
> the python2 subpackage?
> For example, obsoleting of the old package or anything along those
> lines?

Obsoleting would infer that the Python2 version hangs around in some
way. That would defeat the object somewhat. 

Most leaf packages will be binaries, so the binary can just change to
Python3. If there's a Python2 module or other support package, just
drop it.

Put an entry in NEWS if you think people may have out-of-distro scripts
using the Python2 module. Otherwise, a note in README.Debian or just
debian/changelog is probably enough. It's fairly obvious when a Python
leaf binary moves to Python3 support. As long it continues to work,
most users aren't going to even notice.


Neil Williams

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