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it seems pdb2pqr is orphaned upstream.  However, it seems to be worth
keeping inside Debian thus I tried my luck to port it to Python3 in
Git[1].  Unfortunately the build runs into

      scons: Building targets ...
      CopySubAction("", "")
      scons: *** [] TypeError : a bytes-like object is required, not 
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/", line 1209, in execute
          result = self.execfunction(target=target, source=rsources, env=env)
        File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/", line 1371, in __call__
          return self.parent.actfunc(*args, **kw)
        File "./site_scons/", line 123, in CopySubAction
          contents = contents.replace(k, v)
      TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
      scons: building terminated because of errors.

I wonder whether it might just be a scons issue.  Please note that I'm
using scons 3.1.1-4 from experimental that is supposed to run with

Any hint would be welcome.

Kind regards




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