
I'm newcomer to Debian packaging, and trying to add the autopkgtest
test script into python-tinyalign[1].

    [1] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-tinyalign

And now I'm facing a (maybe simple) problem.

The upstream test files are located in tests/ directory, but seems
this directory is excluded during packaging.
I have no idea how to include this tests/ directory.

1. Please let me know is there any variable for including the specific
2. Why and when the tests/ directory excluded? I tried to find the
logic in dh-python [2], but failed.

    [2] https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/tools/dh-python

3. Is this a correct approach for including the excluded test materials?

Always appreciates.


Sao I Kuan

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