On 4/20/20 11:13 AM, Félix Sipma wrote:
> On 2020-04-19 21:50+0200, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> On 4/19/20 5:24 PM, Félix Sipma wrote:
>>> I hope I fixed the issues you found
>> Not really... :(
> Let's try again, then...
>> Now the package is 2.7 MB, out of which the extracted library is only
>> 380 KB. Now, the extracted documentation is 3.5 MB and contains 3 MB of
>> fonts, like fontawesome and lato, which are already part of Debian.
>> If everyone was doing like you, installing a small python app would
>> download gigabytes of packages! :)
>> Please:
>> 1/ Push the docs into a separate package that you could call
>> python-sphinx-autoapi-doc.
>> 2/ Remove the embedded fonts fonts from that -doc package, and create
>> symlinks to the appropriate files in the fonts-font-awesome and
>> fonts-lato package.
>> One little general advice now: use mc (or something similar) to go
>> within the resulting .deb files after you've built them, so you can
>> check its content. If you did that, you would have find the issues I'm
>> describing above.
> For sure, getting a 2.7MB package for this small library is not good. I
> do display the list of the files after I build them, but I admit I
> usually don't look too closely to these, and rely on lintian warnings to
> see if fonts package are incorrectly embedded, if the resulting doc is
> too big and should be put to a separate package, etc. Maybe something
> changed recently on lintian (or in my config, but the warnings were not
> displayed on https://mentors.debian.net/package/sphinx-autoapi either)
> because I do not get the embedded fonts warnings I used to have...
> The resulting package is much smaller, I don't think it justifies
> another -doc package. Do you agree?
> Regards,

I'm not sure, the doc still accounts for half of the package. But let's
pretend it's ok.

Now, the package contains a test suite. It'd be nice to run it. If you
add, as dependency: python3-mock, python3-pytest, then pybuild runs the
tests automatically. It needs to be overridden though, to avoid running
integration tests which are failing (or these tests must be fixed).

Can you do that? Then I'll happily upload...


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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