On Sun, Oct 04, 2020 at 05:28:57PM +0200, Fioddor Superconcentrado wrote:
> I've packaged a project provided via https://pipi.org and I wanted to
> create a debian/watch file but pipi.org publishes the tarball behind a
> strange url like
> https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/d6/72/9848a2d631dad70d7ea582540f0619e1a7ecf31b3a117de9d9f2b6b28029/django-settings-export-1.2.1.tar.gz
> I guess pypi.org is a common source of python code so perhaps there's
> already a solution for this.

Quoting the manual page of uscan.
(  uscan is the utility reads debian/watch for watching. )

       For PyPI based projects, pypi.debian.net runs a redirector
       which allows a simpler form of URL. The format below will
       automatically be rewritten to use the redirector with the watch

         https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/<initial>/<project>/ \
             <tar-name>-(.+)\.tar\.gz debian uupdate

       For cfn-sphere, set the watch file as:

         https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/c/cfn-sphere/ \
             cfn-sphere-([\d\.]+).tar.gz debian uupdate

       Please note, you can still use normal functionalities of uscan
       to set up a watch file for this site without using the

         opts="pgpmode=none" \
             https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cfn-sphere/ \
             cfn-sphere-([\d\.]+).tar.gz#.* debian uupdate

> Thanks in advanced.

Looking forward to something like "OK, that works"

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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