On Sun, Oct 04, 2020 at 05:39:16PM +0200, Fioddor Superconcentrado wrote:
> Hi again.
> Debian's packaging documentation requires the packages containing python3
> apps to be renamed with a python3 suffix. I do so in debian/control file.
> Now I can put that prefix to the source too or not. If I do so then I get a
> lintian warning source-package-encodes-python-version but if I don't I get
> a conflict warning.
> I've renamed the downloaded tarball with the prefix because the build
> toolchain expected it. But I left the extracted directory's name untouched.
> What's the canonical way?

Same way as we have learnt walking.

> Thanks in advanced.

Yes, also beginners can run out of credit.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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