On 15/10/2020 08:13, Giovanni Mascellani wrote:


Il 14/10/20 15:52, Alastair McKinstry ha scritto:
I maintain the package "ecflow" which uses libboost-python-dev. Now
with the transition to python3.9, ecflow will support (where
possible) multiple python versions. Currently it supports python3.8
but not python3.9 ; this may be fixed in a binNMU or next version,
but I cannot tell whether my failure to build python3.9 support for
ecflow is due to missing py3.9 support in boost, or a bug in my
BTW, a binNMU was just requested to add Python 3.9 support.

Can some mechanism be added to enable tracability ?
In general, Boost supports all the Python versions currently supported
by the Python team, except that someone has to file a binNMU for them to
appear once a new Python version is packaged. To check which Python
versions are supported by a specific package version, it is enough to
check the content of the libboost-python1.71.0 package (replace 1.71.0
with future versions where applicable):

$ dpkg -L libboost-python1.71.0 | grep libboost_python

(until yesterday you did not have the python39 variant)

Does this answer your question?


Not really. This is probably better discussed on debian-python.

The point was that there is a lack of a good mechanism to see which packages provide py39 support, etc.

In principle my package ecflow just needs a rebuild after the boost is rebuilt, but tracking if this actually works, or add a particular dependency to enable automatic rebuild/tracking.


Alastair McKinstry, <alast...@sceal.ie>, <mckins...@debian.org>, 
Misentropy: doubting that the Universe is becoming more disordered.

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