On 2020-12-24 09 h 45, Håvard Flaget Aasen wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the review!
> tor. 24. des. 2020 kl. 05:31 skrev Louis-Philippe Véronneau 
> <po...@debian.org>:
>> Hi,
>> I've just finished reviewing your RFS for python-mongoengine 0.21.0-1
>> and it all looks good!
>> I can't help but notice you are using the tarballs from pypi though,
>> which means you don't have access to the upstream testsuite :(
>> Do you think it would be possible to migrate to the github one and have
>> your package run the tests?
> I tested with the tarball from GitHub today, and almost all of the
> tests is testing against a MongoDB server, which we don't have. This
> of course means that almost all test fails. I'm not sure how much
> value it is to run the remaining tests during build.
> As for the autopkgtest, there might be possible to download, install,
> and run MongoDB during the test, that's what upstream is doing when
> they test the package, but that must be stretching what we can and
> should do when running autopkgtest in Debian.
> I'm open for suggestion here, but since we don't have the necessary
> package in the repository I believe it will be difficult to test this
> package properly.

This all makes a lot of sense, thanks for looking into it. I've
sponsored the package as-is.

Thanks for you contribution to Debian.

PS: as per policy, I renamed the "master" branch to "debian/master".

  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Louis-Philippe Véronneau
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   po...@debian.org / veronneau.org

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