Andreas Tille kirjoitti 12.1.2021 klo 23.08:
> Hi,
> I confirm I can reproduce the issue in a minimal chroot while the
> lumpyexpress command prints the help screen as expected.  This smells
> like a missing dependency but I do not have any idea which one.  It
> seems there is a similar known issue here
> but there is no answer here.
> Any idea how to fix this?
> Kind regards
>       Andreas.

It's a change made in debian/patches/lumpyexpress.config.patch.

-    $PYTHON_TEST -c "import imp; imp.find_module('pysam')"
-    $PYTHON_TEST -c "import imp; imp.find_module('numpy')"
+    $PYTHON_TEST -c "import importlib; importlib.util.find_spec('pysam')"
+    $PYTHON_TEST -c "import importlib; importlib.util.find_spec('numpy')"

It's not entirely correct even if it worked: the original causes
a visible error message to alert if one of the required modules does
not exist. The current patch will not cause error messages or the
python check to exit non-zero.

Because it's a Debian context we could rely on dpkg dependencies i.e.
just don't perform this check and comment out the two lines.


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