Le lundi 18 janvier 2021 à 23:34 -0800, Perry Aganad a écrit :
> Greetings everyone!,
> I have been using debian for a while now and I am a point where I
> want 
> to help and start contributing to debian itself. I read the web page 
> about contributing and I took away that I should just jump right in,
> and 
> I specifically jumped here because I do know how write python
> scripts. I 
> am new at this but I'm a quick learner so please let me know if I can
> help out in anyway, thanks!.

You may consider joining the team [1] and start contributing towards
existing packages in need for maintenance [2], such as those with test
failures or RC bugs.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/PythonTeam/HowToJoin
[2] https://tracker.debian.org/teams/python-modules/

Best regards,

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