Hi Stefano,

On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 06:19:00PM +0000, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Hi nicoo (2021.01.31_16:39:43_+0000)
> > > cool! Please follow our policy:
> > > https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/tools/python-modules/-/blob/master/policy.rst
> > > to join the team.
> > 
> > I've read and accepted the policy, my login is nicoo, and I mentionned in
> > the previous emails my motivation for joining the team.
> Added!
> Happy package maintenance :)

Thanks  <3

Speaking of the policy, are there conventions about repository setup,
beyond complying with DEP-14? In particular the CI setup (the usual
pipeline?), whether it's fine to enable branch/tag protection and require
working through MRs, adding webhooks to tag BTS bugs as pending when a fix
is merged, ...



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