Hi folks,

I work on the Jupyter project and am one of the maintainers for JupyterHub.

I would recommend opening a conversation on discourse.jupyter.org. There is a 
JupyterHub in HPC group that is active and you would probably find interest.

Carol Willing

Project Jupyter Steering Council
Python Steering Council
On May 18, 2021, 8:24 AM -0700, Roland Mas <lola...@debian.org>, wrote:
> Le 18/05/2021 à 10:06, Gordon Ball a écrit :
> > On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 06:20:19PM +0200, Roland Mas wrote:
> > > Hi everyone,
> > >
> > > I've been contracted by Synchrotron Soleil to work on the packaging of
> > > Jupyterhub and its dependencies. This turns out to about 20 Python 
> > > packages,
> > > most of which should probably go under the Debian Python Team umbrella
> > > (although some may go into Debian Science). So I hereby request to be 
> > > added
> > > to the python-team group on salsa. My salsa login is "lolando", and I have
> > > read and accept the 
> > > https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/tools/python-modules/blob/master/policy.rst
> > > policy.
> > Hello
> >
> > Good to have more people working on jupyter and related tools. Can you
> > say what the extent of your goal here is? Does it just relate to the
> > jupyterhub server, spawners, proxy, etc or does your target also include
> > some work on the jupyter interfaces/core side?
> Honestly, I don't know yet.I'm at the prototyping phase, with 20 Python
> packages (and 20 Node.js packages) that can just about be installed and
> end up in something that displays a webpage and allows creating a
> notebook. I don't know much more about Jupyterhub, and I guess I'll
> first focus on getting packages into shape before widening my scope further.
> > I wonder if it is time to have a distinct jupyter packaging team given
> > the (perhaps concerningly?) growing size of this software stack [1].
> >
> > Although I don't know how much time I'll have to work on this in the
> > near future (new job, etc), my broad goals for this next cycle would be:
> >
> > * See if we can get jupyterlab packaged. This has an unpleasant list of
> > javascript dependencies, but now there is a v3 release I hope it
> > might stabilise a bit.
> > * Try and get ipywidgets into better shape - it's currently quite out
> > of date, requiring patches in consuming libraries, and blocked on
> > javascript problems (many of which are probably in common with
> > jupyterlab)
> > * Go through the list of jupyter kernels for other languages and see
> > if some of these have matured and stabilised and might be good
> > candidates where the given ecosystem is already well supported in
> > debian - iruby, ijavascript, gophernotes (go) look like conceivable
> > candidates.
> Can't help you there, not yet at least.
> For reference, the list of Python packages I have so far (thanks to
> py2dsc + manual work): backoff escapism python-consul2 certipy pamela
> onetimepass jupyter-telemetry nteract-on-jupyter nbgitpuller jupyterhub
> jupyterhub-systemdspawner jupyterhub-dummyauthenticator
> jupyterhub-firstuseauthenticator jupyterhub-nativeauthenticator
> jupyterhub-ldapauthenticator jupyterhub-tmpauthenticator mwoauth
> oauthenticator jupyterhub-idle-culler jupyter-packaging
> And the Node.js packages (thanks to node2npm + manual work): triple-beam
> winston-transport stack-trace fn.name one-time fecha fast-safe-stringify
> logform kuler enabled text-hex colorspace @dabh/diagnostics strftime
> statsd-parser mersenne lynx http-proxy winston configurable-http-proxy.
> Still missing: traefik, but there's an ITP for that.
> I'll push the repositories to Salsa in the coming days. I need to do
> some history cleanups first. If a jupyter team is created in the
> meantime, I'll gladly create the repositories under its umbrella rather
> than under the Python team's.
> Roland.

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