On 10/24/21 6:54 PM, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
Hi all!On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 01:49:30PM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:Source: nose Version: 1.3.7-7 Severity: serious Justification: FTBFS Tags: bookworm sid ftbfs User: lu...@debian.org Usertags: ftbfs-20211023 ftbfs-bookworm Hi, During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on amd64. [...]It happens because setuptools v58.0.0 removed support for 2to3 during builds, which nose relied on (because it has a Python 2 codebase). Instead of spending time on a proper Python 3 port, I would prefer to simply let nose die (it is abandoned since 2016). If anyone is still using nose (1.x), please port your packages to nose2, pure unittest or pytest. I am attaching a dd-list and I intend to do a MBF in a few weeks when I have more time.
Thanks for the heads up, Dmitry. I've started with porting my packages from nose->${something_else} and started uploading as well. Also CC'ing med-team, since there are several packages under our umbrella that needs this change. Thanks for your work, Nilesh
Adrian Vondendriesch <adrian.vondendrie...@credativ.de> flask-mongoengine (U) Adrien Vergé <adrienve...@gmail.com> yamllint (U) Afif Elghraoui <a...@debian.org> falcon (U) optlang (U) swiglpk (U) Aggelos Avgerinos <evaggelos.avgeri...@gmail.com> imbalanced-learn (U) py-radix (U) Agustin Henze <t...@debian.org> webassets Aigars Mahinovs <aigar...@debian.org> isbnlib python-dlt python-zipstream Alastair McKinstry <mckins...@debian.org> metaconfig Alexandre Viau <av...@debian.org> influxdb-python (U) Alvin Chen <sonoma...@gmail.com> requirement-parser Ana Custura <a...@netstat.org.uk> namecheap python-cymruwhois tldextract yapf Andreas Beckmann <a...@debian.org> piuparts (U) Andreas Metzler <ametz...@debian.org> libvigraimpex (U) Andreas Tille <ti...@debian.org> circlator (U) fastaq (U) gubbins (U) iva (U) kineticstools (U) paleomix (U) python-biom-format (U) python-colormap (U) python-hdmedians (U) python-nose-random (U) python-pbcore (U) python-pyani (U) python-pyfaidx (U) python-pymummer (U) python-pynndescent (U) python-sqlsoup (U) python-xopen (U) pyutilib (U) qiime (U) scoary (U) seqmagick (U) umap-learn (U) youtube-dl Andrej Shadura <andre...@debian.org> docker-compose (U) netplan.io (U) sortedcontainers (U) Andrew Chadwick <a.t.chadw...@gmail.com> mypaint (U) Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <a...@debian.org> fabric pyxdg (U) Andrey Rahmatullin <w...@debian.org> dateparser (U) Andrius Merkys <mer...@debian.org> spglib (U) Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kal...@gmail.com> python-osmapi (U) anonym <ano...@riseup.net> onionshare (U) Antoine Beaupré <anar...@debian.org> dateparser (U) Antoine Musso <has...@free.fr> python-statsd (U) voluptuous (U) Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org> ledger-autosync python-ofxclient (U) rows (U) Antonio Valentino <antonio.valent...@tiscali.it> pykdtree (U) pysph (U) python-hdf4 (U) Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoi...@debian.org> ripe-atlas-cousteau (U) ripe-atlas-sagan (U) ripe-atlas-tools Arno Töll <a...@debian.org> dput-ng (U) Arthur de Jong <adej...@debian.org> python-pskc python-stdnum Arto Jantunen <vi...@debian.org> python-inflect (U) Barry Warsaw <ba...@debian.org> lazr.delegates (U) lazr.smtptest (U) python-nose-exclude (U) Bas Couwenberg <sebas...@debian.org> pyosmium (U) python-mapnik (U) python-osmapi (U) python-stetl (U) Bdale Garbee <bd...@gag.com> rocketcea Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org> python-lockfile Benda Xu <o...@debian.org> vitables (U) Benjamin Drung <bdr...@debian.org> ubuntu-dev-tools (U) Benjamin Drung <benjamin.dr...@cloud.ionos.com> modernize (U) python-ipmi (U) python-redmine Bernd Zeimetz <b...@debian.org> flask-wtf (U) Brian May <b...@debian.org> celery (U) django-nose (U) python-passlib (U) BW Keller <malz...@gmail.com> yt (U) Carl Chenet <cha...@ohmytux.com> python-memcache (U) Carlos Maddela <e7ap...@gmail.com> rmlint Carsten Schoenert <c.schoen...@t-online.de> kicad (U) kopano-webapp (U) kopanocore (U) ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <czc...@debian.org> dodgy (U) prospector (U) python-requirements-detector (U) python-setoptconf (U) python-tabulate (U) voltron (U) Chris Boot <c...@tiger-computing.co.uk> nrpe-ng Chris Johnston <chrisjohns...@ubuntu.com> python-flake8 (U) Chris Lamb <la...@debian.org> django-assets (U) python-formencode (U) Christian Kastner <c...@debian.org> imbalanced-learn (U) scikit-learn (U) tpot (U) Christian M. 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