On Sun, Jul 24, 2022 at 06:36:57PM +0100, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > > > > I'd like to ask for some help.  I'm working on packaging pydevd, which
> > > > > builds a private .so library.  Ordinary extensions built using cython
> > > > > or similar end up being called "foo.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so",
> > > > > but this library, which is not dependent on the Python version, should
> > > > > presumably be called "bar.x86_64-linux-gnu.so".
> > > > If it's just a private library and not a Python module it should be 
> > > > called
> > > > bar.so.
> > > > 
> > > > > Question 1: How do I determine (within Python) the triplet to use when
> > > > > building the library?
> > > > You don't.
> > > > 
> > > > > Question 2: How do I determine (within Python) the triplet to use when
> > > > > loading the library at runtime?
> > > > You don't, but also how are you actually loading it?
> > > 
> > > Well, the upstream wanted to compile two versions of the library, one
> > > for 64 bit architectures and one for 32 bit architectures.  I don't
> > > really want to build two different arch libraries in a single build,
> > > because that seems very contrary to the way the Debian architectures
> > > work, and would also limit it to the amd64/i386 architectures for no
> > > obviously good reason.  I had imagined that if there is some sort of
> > > multiarch setup, one might have the amd64 and i386 packages installed
> > > simultaneously, hence the need for different names.
> > The normal way for this is putting it into
> > /usr/lib/<triplet>/pkgname/foo.so, and according to the code below you'll
> > need the full path at the run time so you indeed need the triplet at both
> > build and run time. You can get the triplet in d/rules, not sure how
> > should you pass it to the build system as that depends on the build system
> > used. For the run time, https://wiki.debian.org/Python/MultiArch suggests
> > sys.implementation._multiarch (note that you cannot use it during the
> > build as that would break cross-compilation etc.), not sure if there are
> > better ways. 
> I got all of the triplets working, but was then stymied when I tried
> to specify Multi-Arch: same in the control file.  I got a lintian
> warning: multi-arch-same-package-calls-pycompile
> It seems that since the pybuild system (via dh_python3) adds a
> py3compile command to the postinst of the package, then I can't safely
> use Multi-Arch: same.
> I don't know if this is the case for all python3 Arch: any packages
> with compiled extensions;
I think the tag desciption has a good step-by-step explanation why does
the tag exists.
But your package is not a "package with compiled extensions", is it?

> are they all effectively Multi-Arch: no?  Is this worth thinking about
> in the longer term?
What do you propose?


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