
today I found out that it is possible to create a Python "Distribution Package" [1] (e.g. a whl-file) that contain more then one "Importable Packages" [2].

So you can do "pip3 install mydistropackage" and after that you can do "import mya" and "import myb".

Are you aware of any packages in Debian that are related to upstream projects using that "technic"?

And if so how do you (as debian distro maintainers) handle that? Do you create one deb-file for "mydistropackage" (e.g. "python3-mydistropackage.deb") or do you separate into "python3-mya.deb" and "python3-myb.deb"?

Christian Buhtz

[1] -- <https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/glossary/#term-Distribution-Package> [2] -- <https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/glossary/#term-Import-Package>

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