Hi Fred, Hi all other DD,

I am the upstream author of pyFAI and fabio, I wish to thank you for
taking care of the packaging of those software. I am aware there is an
issue with the usage of those software since they use numpy.distutils
(deprecated, to be removed in python3.12 and requires setuptools<60). 
I am working on a different packaging which uses meson-python (same
as scipy>=1.9). The migration of fabio is more-or-less ready
(see this branch: https://github.com/kif/fabio/tree/meson) and I am
just waiting for a new release of meson-python (0.11) to make a new
release (without setup.py). Unlike fabio which is ready for release,
pyFAI will be released either in December or early next year.

On the debian side, I don't know how far is the integration of
meson-python ? https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/meson-python
To me, it is of crucial importance if one wants an updated version of scipy
to be available in debian12. Fabio and pyFAI will follow without
foreseeable issue.

I am interested in the way the man-page should be produced since this
will have to be redone in both those packages. Any advice on this is welcome.

Best regards,
Jérôme Kieffer
tel +33 476 882 445

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