On November 2, 2022 8:35:35 AM UTC, Gordon Ball <gor...@chronitis.net> wrote:
>On 19/10/2022 22:30, Gordon Ball wrote:
>> On 09/10/2022 21:39, Gordon Ball wrote:
>>> On 07/10/2022 01:13, Timo Röhling wrote:
>>>> Hi Gordon,
>>>> * Gordon Ball <gor...@chronitis.net> [2022-10-07 00:10]:
>>>>> * Upload to unstable and see what breaks?
>>>>> * Request an archive rebuild with this version and see what breaks?
>>>>> * File bugs against all likely affected packages with a fixed date for
>>>>> an upload?
>>>>> * Wait until after the freeze?
>>>> Considering that PyYAML has been issuing a YAMLLoadWarning since
>>>> version 5.1 (i.e. September 2019), I would expect that many (most?)
>>>> reverse dependencies have been fixed, and anything that still breaks
>>>> is probably in dire need of maintenance anyway.
>>> Yes, that's a good point.
>>> I've done some more investigation of reverse-depends and looking for
>>> likely bad patterns with codesearch.d.n, and the set of packages which
>>> A) appear to contain plain `yaml.load(f)` or equivalent, where `yaml` is
>>> pyyaml and B) actually depend or build-depend on `python3-yaml` is
>>> smaller than I feared. This is what I came up with:
>>> ```
>>> ansible # confirm - in ansible_collections/community/general/plugins
>>> buildbot # confirm - in porttostable
>>> ceph # confirm, in civetweb/third_party/duktape, src/test/crimson
>>> docker-compose # confirm, in tests
>>> dose3 # confirm, in scripts
>>> elasticsearch-curator # confirm, in test/unit
>>> etm # confirm, in etmTk/data
>>> ganeti # confirm, in qa, test/py
>>> gnocchi # confirm, in gnocchi/gendoc
>>> gr-dab # confirm, in python/app
>>> jeepyb # confirm, in cmd/notify_impact
>>> knitpy # confirm, in knitpy
>>> labgrid # confirm, in remote/coordinator
>>> lecm # confirm, in lecm/configuration
>>> lirc # confirm, in lirc/database
>>> lqa # confirm, in lqa_api/job
>>> open-adventure # confirm, in tests
>>> owslib # confirm, in ogcapi
>>> policyd-rate-limit # confirm, in config, tests
>>> python-aptly # confirm, in publisher
>>> python-canmatrix # confirm, in canmatrix/formats/yaml
>>> python-multipart # confirm, in multipart/tests
>>> python-pybedtools # confirm, in test, contrib
>>> python-seqcluster # confirm, in install
>>> python-tempestconf # confirm, in config_tempest/profile
>>> qcat # confirm, in adapters
>>> qcengine # confirm, in config
>>> refstack-client # confirm, in refstack_client
>>> relatorio # confirm, in templates/chart
>>> ripe-atlas-tools # confirm, in tools/settings
>>> ros-genpy # confirm, in test
>>> ros-rosinstall # confirm, in test, src/rosinstall
>>> ros-rosinstall-generator # confirm, in test, src/rosinstall_generator
>>> spades # confirm, in assembler/src/test/teamcity,
>>> assembler/src/projects/mts, assembler/src/spades_pipeline
>>> xrstools # confirm, in WIZARD
>>> zlmdb # confirm, in _database
>>> ```
>>> I don't know if all these codepaths are actually ever reached, or tests
>>> ever run, so the packages won't necessarily break (or the breakage is
>>> very minor, such as a single community plugin in ansible). I don't
>>> guarantee there are no omissions from the list though.
>>> There is a significantly longer list of packages which appear to contain
>>> a use of yaml.load _somewhere_, but it is usually in some
>>> maintainer/release script, or an optional path somewhere, and the
>>> package itself doesn't [build-]depend on python3-yaml.
>> I've filed bugs for (most) of the packages listed above (some were dropped 
>> on review because they weren't in main, or the affected file appeared to be 
>> unused at build time and not installed). I've had a couple of 
>> acknowledgements/fixes already.
>> A number of affected package look very sparsely used and/or maintained, and 
>> I doubt are likely to be fixed. However, of the packages above, only two 
>> have autopkgtests which fail on experimental migration, so I wouldn't be 
>> surprised if some are not already broken by other past changes.
>> I propose to wait ~2 weeks until the beginning of November and upload pyyaml 
>> 6 to unstable then.
>pyyaml 6 has now landed in unstable. About half the bugs I filed have been 
>resolved, and there is only one package (ganeti) with autopkgtests blocking 

There were two more, but I retried the migration reference jobs and they failed 
(which makes them no longer block since they are no longer a regression).  

Ganeti can't currently be fixed since it's unbuildable.  It's only due to an 
archive hiccup that it's even in Testing.  I was planning on asking the Release 
Team to ignore it, so pyyaml can transition (worst case it's stuck until ganeti 
gets removed from Testing in a week and a half).

Scott K

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