Dear Debian Python Team,

I would like to formally request to join the Debian Python Team.

Requirements per the policy:

Why do I want to join:
I plan to work on various request for packaging (RFP) posts. Many of these are 
[1] Bastian Germann suggested I join the python team as a RFP he made for a 
python project has 3
additional new package dependencies, also python. This will require some effort 
from DDs to 

sponsor these packages. I have a good track record of supporting my packages 
and will continue
to do so as part of this team.

My salsa id: linqigang

Statement: I've read the policy and accept its terms.

Thank you for your consideration,

Lance Lin <>
GPG Fingerprint:  4A31 DB5A 1EE4 096C 8739 9880 9036 4929 4C33 F9B7


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