
I need some help with a package that switched to using pyproject.toml
only. The package is asdf-astropy, and the problem I have that it does
not package all Python files recursively: for example astropy_asdf.io
files are missing (as seen in unstable now).


What I do not understand is that this happens "sometimes":

* when I build the package in a clean schroot with "debuild", files in
  subpackages are missing (but no error message in the log)
* when I install git, then a debuild results in a complete package

* when I cut&paste the command from the build log [1], the copy process
  always happens completely, independent of whether git was installed or

* when I use pbuilder, files of subpackages are never package, with our
  without git in the build dependencies

[1] python3.11 -m build --skip-dependency-check --no-isolation --wheel --outdir 

Since the package "sometimes" is built correctly, I think that upstream
did it right; however I have no idea where the problem could be. Does
anyone have an idea?



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