
I hope this is not too off topic.

As far as I understand, dh-python, when building packages somehow
automatically uses the Debian package names and even prevents e.g.
setuptools from downloading any dependencies by setting a (hopefully
not running) proxy.

I wondered whether it's possible to make tools like pip and setuptools
directly use the Debian python packages when resolving dependencies.

The main motivation are security constraints, so I had to configure
pip so that it cannot just download packages from PyPI (which is
rather easy, simply setting no-index in pip.conf).

But then of course it also fails to e.g. do an editable install of a
locally developed package, when it tries to resolve the dependencies.

So I wondered whether it's possible to prevent pip from downloading
any remote stuff, while still resolving dependencies (respectively
consider them as being resolved) *if* the package is locally installed
from the Debian archive?
(If a dependency isn't installed from a package it may of course fail.)


PS: Please keep me CCed.

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