On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 02:21:48AM +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
<irrelevant details skipped>

> When I run debuild -us -uc on that, it generates:
>   debian/tmp/...
>   debian/tmp/usr/bin/<my console scripts>
>   debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/foo
>   debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/foo-1.0.0.dist-info
>   debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/foo-1.0.0.dist-info/LICENCE
> But then complains that the files aren't installed by anyone.
Yes, you usually need to use dh_install when having several subpackages.
This is not Python-specific.

> 1) Is there some mechanism in dh_python that would automatically split
>    (respectively install) the files to the two packages, and I'm just
>    to dumb to use it?
>    Like that it knows, the Python package should likely go into the
>    python3-* Debian package, and usr/bin stuff should likely go in the
>    other?
I don't think there is, and I don't think "usr/bin stuff should likely go
in the other". Many Python module packages ship executables, especially
now that you no longer have Python 2 subpackages.

> 2) I then tried with such package.install files like those:
>    foo-util.install:
>      usr/bin
>    python3-foo.install:
>      usr/lib
>    a) Why does it work to use just usr/... and not debian/tmp/usr/... ?
>       Actually, both seems to work, which confuses me even more ^^
You can check the search logic in dh_install(1).

>    b) What - if any - is the proper way here? Like I did, with one
>       argument?
Yes, because the files are already installed into correct destinations.

>       Or should one use the two arguments per line version?
>       Or perhaps (for the 2nd file) rather usr/lib/python* ?
>       Or rather the debian/tmp/usr/ path versions?
>       Or using something completely different than dh_install?

> 3) In debian/tmp, the subdir was /python3.11/ but in the final .deb
>    file it's actually /python3/ (as I think it should be).
>    Is it expected, that first it's /python3.11/ or am I doing anything
>    wrong?
Yes, it's expected.

> 4) Are there way to have the Dependencies in control even more
>    autodetected?
>    a) That foo-util's dependency on python3-foo is somehow auto-filled
>       by dh_python?
No, as there is no data to use here.

>    b) Or the Build-Deps? I mean dh_python should at least be able to
>       find out about python3-setuptools, python3-setuptools-scm from my
>       pyproject.toml, shouldn't it?
You cannot autodetect build dependencies at the build time. That would be
too late.

> 5) Not really 100% Debian related, but in the Python sdist,... should
>    that contain the debian/*?
No, and the upstream source shouldn't contain debian/ anyway, as the life
cycles of packaging and upstream sources should be separate even if the
person doing both is the same.

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