
On 19 Oct 2023 at 13:08:31, Miguel de Dios Matias wrote:

> I have tiny side/pet projects in python. And they have setup.py the
> build method and I publish to pypi.
> But I want to do some deb packages (for my pet projects), yes I can do
> by hand (several years ago I do a debian package for PHP app).
> But What is the best method to build deb package? I look for in the

I don't know poetry or its options. I don't know what's the "best" way,
but I can tell how I start (and this is in a Debian system, gpg
configured correctly and signing the packages which you might disable).
Probably each person on the list has a different way? :-)

I'm happy to read suggestions as well or tips.

File .gbp.conf:
sign-tags = True

pristine-tar = True
debian-branch = debian/unstable

mkdir debian_package_name
cd debian_package_name
git init
git checkout -b upstream

# I was creating a package for cloudscraper
gbp import-orig 
        # answer the questions

export DEBEMAIL=car...@pina.cat
dh_make --createorig --packagename python-cloudscraper -p 
  Package type: "p" (python)

Edit / delete files in debian/ (some are templates, some not-relevant
for the package etc.)

git add debian/*
git commit -a -m "Add initial debian/* files"
gbp buildpackage

At the end it will run "lintian". Fix errors / warnings that you will
see. But you might get *.dsc, *.deb in the parent directory where you

When you need to try again:
debian/rules clean ; gbp buildpackage # probably there is some options
in gbp to do this :-)

And the rest that I have is to publish this in salsa, probably not

I hope that it helps to have a start... at least with one of the tools.


Carles Pina i Estany

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