Hey Nick,

Thanks for maintaining mu-editor, my kids are just getting started with it. So I might be interested in taking it over. Are the updates a lot of work? I see the tarball is tagged with dfsg so there's that...


Nick Morrott:
Dear team,

I intend to orphan two of my team maintained packages, and their
several (build)-dependencies, that I originally packaged and have
maintained (to varying degrees, it can be argued) since 2018. Thank
you to team members who have contributed bug fixes and patches during
this time. I've really appreciated it \o/.

I don't have (and have not had for a while) the time to maintain all
of these, so to free them up for more active development following new
releases I would like to offer these to other members of the team to
pick up if interested. Apologies for holding up any progress; I should
have done this a while ago...

I am the only Uploader on all of the packages below. If anyone is
interested, please take over and replace me as the Uploader.

If no one has added themselves as an uploader in Salsa within two
weeks to any of the packages below, I will formally orphan them:

mu-editor (new 1.2.0 version to be packaged)
python-uflash (build dep, dep, new version to be packaged with mu-editor)
python-nudatus (build dep, dep, up to date)
python-pytest-random-order (build dep, up to date)
python-guizero (dep, up to date)

firmware-microbit-micropython (new 1.1.1 version to be packaged)
yotta (build dep, up to date)
valinor (build dep, up to date)
python-project-generator (build dep, up to date)
python-project-generator-definitions (build dep, up to date)
mbed-test-wrapper (build dep, up to date)
python-mbed-host-tests (build dep, up to date)
python-mbed-ls (build dep, up to date)
python-hgapi (build dep, up to date)

I will also remove myself as an uploader on pytest-xvfb (leaving one
other), which is a build-dep of python-guizero.

With all thanks,

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