On Friday, 12 July 2024 07:17:27 CEST Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Hi Paul (2024.07.12_00:05:03_+0000)
> > The weird thing is that I can run "python3 -m build", even with the
> > options that pybuild introduces, outside the gbp buildpackage environment,
> > and it seems that the package data is obtained using setuptools_scm. But
> > as part of the gbp invocation, the package data is limited to that
> > mentioned in the deficient pyproject.toml file.
> Is your packaging in git? It'll be finding the list of files tracked by
> git, from git.

The packaging is in git, yes. I suppose what I don't understand is the role of 
setuptools_scm in building a package for installation (or the construction of 
a binary package). A source package will aim to incorporate all of the tracked 
files, but a built/binary package may not.


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