On July 30, 2024 4:27:48 AM UTC, "Louis-Philippe Véronneau" <po...@debian.org> 
>On 2024-07-30 12:58, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> On July 30, 2024 2:47:08 AM UTC, "Louis-Philippe Véronneau" 
>> <po...@debian.org> wrote:
>>> On 2024-07-30 11:09, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>>>> On July 30, 2024 12:49:50 AM UTC, "Louis-Philippe Véronneau" 
>>>> <po...@debian.org> wrote:
>>>>> On 2024-07-29 21:07, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>>>>>> On July 29, 2024 8:53:11 AM UTC, "Louis-Philippe Véronneau" 
>>>>>> <po...@debian.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> As discussed during the DebConf24 Python BoF, I'm submitting this 
>>>>>>> change to the policy to require the use of the upstream test suite, 
>>>>>>> both during the build process and as an autopkgtest.
>>>>>>> You can find the MR here:
>>>>>>> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/tools/python-modules/-/merge_requests/24
>>>>>>> People present at the BoF seemed to think this was a good idea. If you 
>>>>>>> don't please reply to this message and make yourself heard :)
>>>>>> I understand the theory and why it's a good idea to run the test suite.  
>>>>>> I don't think it ought to be a hard requirement.  I have several 
>>>>>> packages where there's a test suite, but I don't run it:
>>>>>> 1.  The largest set is packages that need test only dependencies which 
>>>>>> are not packaged.  When I am packaging something new which has a test 
>>>>>> suite, then I generally package any needed test depends. If those test 
>>>>>> depends also need test depends packaged, I generally stop and don't 
>>>>>> enable tests for things that are only in the archives to support tests.  
>>>>>> Noseofyeti is an example of this.
>>>>> That sounds like a valid technical reason not to run the tests to me :)
>>>>>> 2.  There's at least one case where Debian has customizations that cause 
>>>>>> the test suite to fail, but the failures don't seem to cause any real 
>>>>>> problems.  If anyone wants to make it so the weasyprint test suite works 
>>>>>> on Debian, please knock yourself out.
>>>>> Again, as long as you document that, I don't think it would go against 
>>>>> the proposed policy change.
>>>>>> 3.  I also maintain multiple packages which require network access to 
>>>>>> run their test suite, so they can't run tests during build, only 
>>>>>> autopkgtests.
>>>>> Same.
>>>> Except for #3, I don't get that from the wording in the MR.  I don't think 
>>>> not worth the trouble is a technical reason.  I think the real rule that's 
>>>> being proposed is that packages must run the test suit or document why 
>>>> not.  I don't have a problem with that, but I don't think that's what it 
>>>> actually says now.  I think if you were to change must to should and 
>>>> strike the word technical before reason, it would accomplish the same 
>>>> thing and be clearer.  I could support that.
>>> Language is hard and I'm not a native English speaker :)
>>> What I want to prevent is people not running tests because they don't feel 
>>> like it, even though it would not take them a large amount of efforts to do 
>>> so.
>>> I'll strike "technical", as it seems others also interpreted this word they 
>>> way you have.
>>> As for "MUST" vs "SHOULD", I believe the exception clause provides enough 
>>> leeway to justify a reasonable way out in case of $VALID_REASON.
>>> "SHOULD" is not particularly strong and again, I fear it would let people 
>>> get away with not running tests although it wouldn't be much work to do 
>>> so...
>> I guess it depends on how you look at the word.  In the context of technical 
>> specifications, I tend to think of terms as defined in RFC 2119 [1].  I 
>> think that's pretty close to what you are suggesting:
>> 3. SHOULD   This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there
>>     may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a
>>     particular item, but the full implications must be understood and
>>     carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
>> The way RFC 2119 defines MUST doesn't leave much room for exceptions.  If 
>> you want to be clear, I suggest SHOULD with a reference to RFC 2119.  While 
>> not universal, it is a widely used reference for definitions of these terms 
>> in technical specifications.
>> Scott K
>> [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2119#section-3
>Fair enough. I also made that change.


Scott K

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