On 16/01/02, Josip Rodin wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 12:59:31PM +0100, Christian Kurz wrote:
> > > stop mirroring the package, and appear in court to say "they're
> > > nuts!"), but hey...

> > No, it would be that only, they would also receive a fine which can
> > either be lots of money for them or even a term of imprisonment.

> How can you get fined if the suit is rebuffed in court?

Has it really been rebuffed or did they simply reach an agreement out of
court? And also this only one case and not a general rule. There could
also show up a suit in court against a deban reseller, where no
agreement is reached out of court and therefor the reseller get's

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