Package: vtprint
Version: 2.0.2-9
Severity: normal

>From my build log:

cd debian/tmp/usr/bin; ln -s vtprint vtprton
cd debian/tmp/usr/bin; ln -s vtprint vtprtoff
cd debian/tmp/usr/man/man1; ln -s vtprtoff.1 vtprton.1
cd debian/tmp/usr/man/man1; \
        ln -s ../man7/undocumented.7.gz tabstrip.1.gz
debstd -p CHANGELOG
make: debstd: Command not found
make: *** [binary-arch] Error 127

The source package needs at least debmake in its Build-Depends.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux frobnitz 2.4.21-pre5 #1 Sat Mar 1 09:01:10 PST 2003 i686

Daniel Schepler              "Please don't disillusion me.  I
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    haven't had breakfast yet."
                                 -- Orson Scott Card

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