Please find, for review, the debconf templates and packages descriptions for 
the mserv source package.

This review will last from Saturday, January 31, 2009 to Tuesday, February 10, 

Please send reviews as unified diffs (diff -u) against the original
files. Comments about your proposed changes will be appreciated.

Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

When appropriate, I will send intermediate requests for review, with
"[RFRn]" (n>=2) as a subject tag.

When we will reach a consensus, I send a "Last Chance For
Comments" mail with "[LCFC]" as a subject tag.

Finally, the reviewed templates will be sent to the package maintainer
as a bug report, and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as
a subject tag.

--- mserv.old/debian/mserv.templates    2009-01-27 12:03:15.867022284 +0100
+++ mserv/debian/mserv.templates        2009-01-31 08:52:51.551175481 +0100
@@ -1,23 +1,26 @@
 Template: mserv/mp3_location
 Type: string
-_Description: Please enter the path to the root of your mp3 archive.
- Mserv needs to know where your mp3 files are located so that it can index
- them.  The files don't need to be arranged in any special way.  If you
- don't have any mp3s right now you can just enter anything. In that case
- mserv will not be able to play music.  If you get mp3s in the future you
- can run 'dpkg-reconfigure mserv' to show mserv where they are.
+_Description: Path to the root of the MP3 archive:
+ Mserv needs to know where MP3 files are located so that it can index
+ them. The files don't need to be arranged in any special way.
+ .
+ If no MP3 files are available right now, just enter any directory.
+ In that case,
+ mserv will not be able to play music. To index new MP3 files in the
+ future, you can
+ run "dpkg-reconfigure mserv" to instruct the program about their location.

Complete redesign.

The synopsis was not a "prompt" as recommended by the Developers

Split in paragraphs to improve readability.

mp3->MP3: this is an acronym

Use double quotes.

Avoid "you don't have" and such constructions as this is not
necessarily the installing user who "has".
 Template: mserv/path_invalid
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: This path does not exist. Would you like to use it anyway?
+_Description: Use nonexisting directory anyway?
+ The directory path you mentioned does not exist. Please choose whether you
+ want to use that path anyway.

Never use two sentences in a synopsis.

Ask the question in the synopsis and give explanations in the log part.

 Template: mserv/confirm_update
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Are you sure you want to do this?
- Reconfiguring the location of the mp3 archive when a trackinfo database
- already exists is dangerous. If you proceed with this configuration you
- risk losing your track info database (any ratings, last play times etc.).
- If you know what you are doing or don't care about losing the track info
- database, feel free to continue.
+_Description: Really change the MP3 files archive location?
+ By reconfiguring the location of the MP3 files archive when a
+ trackinfo database already exists, you risk losing the track info
+ database (ratings, last play times etc.).

The synopsis (which could be displayed alone in some interfaces) was
not enough to give needed information ("want to do WHAT?").

So, give a little bit more info in the synopsis and the remaining
explanation in the long part.

Avoid the "if you know what you're doing" stuff. Users are supposed to..:-)

--- mserv.old/debian/control    2009-01-27 12:03:15.867022284 +0100
+++ mserv/debian/control        2009-01-31 08:47:57.771175250 +0100
@@ -4,49 +4,44 @@
 Maintainer: Nick Estes <>
 Build-Depends: sharutils, debhelper (>= 4.1.51), cdbs
 Standards-Version: 3.6.1

Use this instead of giving the URL in the description
 Package: mserv
 Architecture: any
 Depends: adduser, debconf | debconf-2.0, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}
 Recommends: mpg321 | mpg123 | vorbis-tools | music123 | sox
-Description: local centralised multiuser music server 
- Mserv is a music server designed to do a number of things better than most
- systems designed to play mp3s or oggs:
+Description: centralised multiuser music server - server

Standard form for multi-binary packages : one fix part and one package-specific

+ Mserv is a network music server with the following features:

Less "advertisment-style". You don't know if it's better than others
and anyway, package descriptions are not meant for this..:-)

-  - Supports any type of client using standard TCP protocol 
-  - Stores information on mp3 (bitrate, duration, name, author, genre, date
-    produced, last play date) in on-disk database. 
-  - Stores rating information supplied by the user (awful, bad, neutral, 
-    good, superb). 
-  - Has a comprehensive queuing system (track, album, random album, etc) 
-  - Random play chooses the songs that people currently on-line want to hear
-    using their ratings of the songs. 
-  - Search facilities, status information, statistics, etc. 
-  - User management facilities, four levels of users, encrypted passwords. 
-  - Talker style communication (say, emote etc.) 
-  - Play, next, pause, stop, repeat, volume, bass, treble settings. 
-  - On-line and off-line track information editing. 
-  - Advanced filter facilities (e.g. 'john=superb', '!good', 'year>1990',
-    'duration<180', 'genre=pop', 'john=good|fred=unheard' etc.) 
-  - Built-in telnet client (see manual). 
-  - Library interface, no need to write TCP code. 
-  - Comes with command line shell program (in the mserv-client package) for
-    interfacing and web client (in the mserv-cgi package) to this shell program
-    for web-based control.
-  - Uses an external player to output, and is known to support mpg321, mpg123,
-    ogg123 and freeamp - this could be used to broadcast the output or
-    support other players. 
-  - Comes with a setuid wrapper for mpg123-compatible players that can 
-    increase the nice level for low-capability processors. 
- .
- For more info see 
+  - Support for any type of client using a standard TCP protocol;
+  - storage of information on MP3 (bitrate, duration, name, author, genre, date
+    produced, last play date) in an on-disk database;
+  - rating information supplied by the user (awful, bad, neutral, 
+    good, superb);
+  - queuing system (track, album, random album, etc);
+  - random play mode that uses users' ratings;
+  - search facilities, status information, statistics, etc. 
+  - user management facilities, four levels of users, encrypted passwords;
+  - talker style communication (say, emote etc.);
+  - play, next, pause, stop, repeat, volume, bass, treble settings;
+  - on-line and off-line track information editing;
+  - advanced filter facilities (e.g. 'john=superb', '!good', 'year>1990',
+    'duration<180', 'genre=pop', 'john=good|fred=unheard' etc.);
+  - built-in telnet client (see manual);
+  - library interface without need to write TCP code;
+  - command line shell client (in the mserv-client package);
+  - web client (in the mserv-cgi package);
+  - use of an external player to output, with support for mpg321, mpg123,
+    ogg123 and freeamp, allowing to broadcast the output or
+    support other players;
+  - setuid wrapper for mpg123-compatible players that can 
+    increase the nice level for low-capability processors.

I revamped the whole list to use a noun-based enumeration instead of a
mix of noun and verb. Using a verb-based enumeration quickly leads to
repeat the same verb over and over.

Meny minor style change here and there with the same intent: give
facts and no advertisment
 Package: mserv-client
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
-Description: client for centralised multiuser music environment
- Mserv is a music server designed to do a number of things better than most
- systems designed to play mp3s or oggs.
+Description: centralised multiuser music environment - command-line client
+ Mserv is a network music server.

The boilerplate could mabe be improved and made longer... Still drop
the advertisments here..:-)

  This package contains a client protocol library and very simple command-line
  client for the mserv server.

Similar changes in the remaining of the file...

Template: mserv/mp3_location
Type: string
_Description: Path to the root of the MP3 archive:
 Mserv needs to know where MP3 files are located so that it can index
 them. The files don't need to be arranged in any special way.
 If no MP3 files are available right now, just enter any directory.
 In that case,
 mserv will not be able to play music. To index new MP3 files in the
 future, you can
 run "dpkg-reconfigure mserv" to instruct the program about their location.

Template: mserv/path_invalid
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Use nonexisting directory anyway?
 The directory path you mentioned does not exist. Please choose whether you
 want to use that path anyway.

Template: mserv/confirm_update
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Really change the MP3 files archive location?
 By reconfiguring the location of the MP3 files archive when a
 trackinfo database already exists, you risk losing the track info
 database (ratings, last play times etc.).
--- mserv.old/debian/mserv.templates    2009-01-27 12:03:15.867022284 +0100
+++ mserv/debian/mserv.templates        2009-01-31 08:52:51.551175481 +0100
@@ -1,23 +1,26 @@
 Template: mserv/mp3_location
 Type: string
-_Description: Please enter the path to the root of your mp3 archive.
- Mserv needs to know where your mp3 files are located so that it can index
- them.  The files don't need to be arranged in any special way.  If you
- don't have any mp3s right now you can just enter anything. In that case
- mserv will not be able to play music.  If you get mp3s in the future you
- can run 'dpkg-reconfigure mserv' to show mserv where they are.
+_Description: Path to the root of the MP3 archive:
+ Mserv needs to know where MP3 files are located so that it can index
+ them. The files don't need to be arranged in any special way.
+ .
+ If no MP3 files are available right now, just enter any directory.
+ In that case,
+ mserv will not be able to play music. To index new MP3 files in the
+ future, you can
+ run "dpkg-reconfigure mserv" to instruct the program about their location.
 Template: mserv/path_invalid
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: This path does not exist. Would you like to use it anyway?
+_Description: Use nonexisting directory anyway?
+ The directory path you mentioned does not exist. Please choose whether you
+ want to use that path anyway.
 Template: mserv/confirm_update
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Are you sure you want to do this?
- Reconfiguring the location of the mp3 archive when a trackinfo database
- already exists is dangerous. If you proceed with this configuration you
- risk losing your track info database (any ratings, last play times etc.).
- If you know what you are doing or don't care about losing the track info
- database, feel free to continue.
+_Description: Really change the MP3 files archive location?
+ By reconfiguring the location of the MP3 files archive when a
+ trackinfo database already exists, you risk losing the track info
+ database (ratings, last play times etc.).
--- mserv.old/debian/control    2009-01-27 12:03:15.867022284 +0100
+++ mserv/debian/control        2009-01-31 08:47:57.771175250 +0100
@@ -4,49 +4,44 @@
 Maintainer: Nick Estes <>
 Build-Depends: sharutils, debhelper (>= 4.1.51), cdbs
 Standards-Version: 3.6.1
 Package: mserv
 Architecture: any
 Depends: adduser, debconf | debconf-2.0, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}
 Recommends: mpg321 | mpg123 | vorbis-tools | music123 | sox
-Description: local centralised multiuser music server 
- Mserv is a music server designed to do a number of things better than most
- systems designed to play mp3s or oggs:
+Description: centralised multiuser music server - server
+ Mserv is a network music server with the following features:
-  - Supports any type of client using standard TCP protocol 
-  - Stores information on mp3 (bitrate, duration, name, author, genre, date
-    produced, last play date) in on-disk database. 
-  - Stores rating information supplied by the user (awful, bad, neutral, 
-    good, superb). 
-  - Has a comprehensive queuing system (track, album, random album, etc) 
-  - Random play chooses the songs that people currently on-line want to hear
-    using their ratings of the songs. 
-  - Search facilities, status information, statistics, etc. 
-  - User management facilities, four levels of users, encrypted passwords. 
-  - Talker style communication (say, emote etc.) 
-  - Play, next, pause, stop, repeat, volume, bass, treble settings. 
-  - On-line and off-line track information editing. 
-  - Advanced filter facilities (e.g. 'john=superb', '!good', 'year>1990',
-    'duration<180', 'genre=pop', 'john=good|fred=unheard' etc.) 
-  - Built-in telnet client (see manual). 
-  - Library interface, no need to write TCP code. 
-  - Comes with command line shell program (in the mserv-client package) for
-    interfacing and web client (in the mserv-cgi package) to this shell program
-    for web-based control.
-  - Uses an external player to output, and is known to support mpg321, mpg123,
-    ogg123 and freeamp - this could be used to broadcast the output or
-    support other players. 
-  - Comes with a setuid wrapper for mpg123-compatible players that can 
-    increase the nice level for low-capability processors. 
- .
- For more info see 
+  - Support for any type of client using a standard TCP protocol;
+  - storage of information on MP3 (bitrate, duration, name, author, genre, date
+    produced, last play date) in an on-disk database;
+  - rating information supplied by the user (awful, bad, neutral, 
+    good, superb);
+  - queuing system (track, album, random album, etc);
+  - random play mode that uses users' ratings;
+  - search facilities, status information, statistics, etc. 
+  - user management facilities, four levels of users, encrypted passwords;
+  - talker style communication (say, emote etc.);
+  - play, next, pause, stop, repeat, volume, bass, treble settings;
+  - on-line and off-line track information editing;
+  - advanced filter facilities (e.g. 'john=superb', '!good', 'year>1990',
+    'duration<180', 'genre=pop', 'john=good|fred=unheard' etc.);
+  - built-in telnet client (see manual);
+  - library interface without need to write TCP code;
+  - command line shell client (in the mserv-client package);
+  - web client (in the mserv-cgi package);
+  - use of an external player to output, with support for mpg321, mpg123,
+    ogg123 and freeamp, allowing to broadcast the output or
+    support other players;
+  - setuid wrapper for mpg123-compatible players that can 
+    increase the nice level for low-capability processors.
 Package: mserv-client
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
-Description: client for centralised multiuser music environment
- Mserv is a music server designed to do a number of things better than most
- systems designed to play mp3s or oggs.
+Description: centralised multiuser music environment - command-line client
+ Mserv is a network music server.
  This package contains a client protocol library and very simple command-line
  client for the mserv server.
@@ -54,9 +49,8 @@
 Package: mserv-cgi
 Architecture: all
 Depends: mserv-client, apache | httpd, ${perl:Depends}
-Description: CGI scripts for local centralised multiuser music environment
- Mserv is a music server designed to do a number of things better than most
- systems designed to play mp3s.
+Description: centralised multiuser music environment - CGI scripts
+ Mserv is a network music server.
  This package contains CGI scripts that can be used to access and control mserv
  from a web browser.
@@ -65,9 +59,8 @@
 Section: devel
 Architecture: any
 Depends: mserv-client (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: local centralised multiuser music environment
- Mserv is a music server designed to do a number of things better than most
- systems designed to play mp3s.
+Description: centralised multiuser music environment - development files
+ Mserv is a network music server.
  This package contains the header files and static libraries needed
  for development.
Source: mserv
Section: sound
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Nick Estes <>
Build-Depends: sharutils, debhelper (>= 4.1.51), cdbs
Standards-Version: 3.6.1

Package: mserv
Architecture: any
Depends: adduser, debconf | debconf-2.0, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}
Recommends: mpg321 | mpg123 | vorbis-tools | music123 | sox
Description: centralised multiuser music server - server
 Mserv is a network music server with the following features:
  - Support for any type of client using a standard TCP protocol;
  - storage of information on MP3 (bitrate, duration, name, author, genre, date
    produced, last play date) in an on-disk database;
  - rating information supplied by the user (awful, bad, neutral, 
    good, superb);
  - queuing system (track, album, random album, etc);
  - random play mode that uses users' ratings;
  - search facilities, status information, statistics, etc. 
  - user management facilities, four levels of users, encrypted passwords;
  - talker style communication (say, emote etc.);
  - play, next, pause, stop, repeat, volume, bass, treble settings;
  - on-line and off-line track information editing;
  - advanced filter facilities (e.g. 'john=superb', '!good', 'year>1990',
    'duration<180', 'genre=pop', 'john=good|fred=unheard' etc.);
  - built-in telnet client (see manual);
  - library interface without need to write TCP code;
  - command line shell client (in the mserv-client package);
  - web client (in the mserv-cgi package);
  - use of an external player to output, with support for mpg321, mpg123,
    ogg123 and freeamp, allowing to broadcast the output or
    support other players;
  - setuid wrapper for mpg123-compatible players that can 
    increase the nice level for low-capability processors.

Package: mserv-client
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Description: centralised multiuser music environment - command-line client
 Mserv is a network music server.
 This package contains a client protocol library and very simple command-line
 client for the mserv server.

Package: mserv-cgi
Architecture: all
Depends: mserv-client, apache | httpd, ${perl:Depends}
Description: centralised multiuser music environment - CGI scripts
 Mserv is a network music server.
 This package contains CGI scripts that can be used to access and control mserv
 from a web browser.

Package: mserv-dev
Section: devel
Architecture: any
Depends: mserv-client (= ${binary:Version})
Description: centralised multiuser music environment - development files
 Mserv is a network music server.
 This package contains the header files and static libraries needed
 for development.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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