This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
templates for isdnutils.

The reviewed templates will be sent on Tuesday, October 06, 2009 to the package
maintainer as a bug report and a mail will be sent to this list with
"[BTS]" as a subject tag.


Template: ipppd/ispwontdoit
Type: error
_Description: ISP dialup configuration already exists
 The device.${IPPP0} and ipppd.${IPPP0} files already exist. Therefore, the
 ipppd configuration phase won't touch anything there, as it looks like
 it has already been configured.
 If it doesn't work yet, and you want to try the automatic configuration,
 stop all ISDN processes (use "/etc/init.d/isdnutils stop"), remove the
 files mentioned above, and rerun the configuration with "dpkg-reconfigure
 ipppd". After that, restart the ISDN processes with "/etc/init.d/isdnutils

Template: ipppd/whichif
Type: string
Default: ippp0
_Description: Interface to configure:
 The default setting should be safe for most configurations.
 However, if you have special requirements or want to choose
 to configure another interface, please enter it here.
 Leave the field blank if you do not want to configure anything now.

Template: ipppd/wrongif
Type: error
_Description: Invalid interface name
 Valid interface names begin with "ippp" followed by a number between
 0 and 63.

Template: ipppd/ispphone
Type: string
Default: manual
_Description: ISP's telephone number:
 At least one phone number has to be dialed in order to connect
 to an Internet service provider (ISP).
 Please enter that telephone number here, including dialing prefixes,
 area codes, and so on, but without any spaces.
 Multiple telephone numbers may be entered and should be separated by spaces.
 Leave the field blank if you want to configure the connection manually.

Template: ipppd/eaz
Type: string
Default: 0
_Description: Local MSN:
 When making a call with ISDN, the MSN (phone number) that is originating
 the call must be given in the call-setup message. While a wrong MSN will
 usually be replaced by the main MSN for the ISDN line, especially on
 PABXes, a wrong MSN (often the extension number in this case) will cause
 the call-setup to fail. So, it is best to enter the correct local MSN
 This may also be necessary if you want the costs to be registered to one
 particular MSN, in case you have more than one MSN and this is supported
 by your telco.

Template: ipppd/isplogin
Type: string
_Description: ISP account name:
 Most ISPs require an account name and password to be provided when

Template: ipppd/isppasswd
Type: password
_Description: ISP password:
 Please enter the password to use when connecting to the ISP. This password
 will be kept in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets and
 /etc/ppp/chap-secrets together with the account name.

Template: ipppd/isploginpapalreadythere
Type: error
_Description: ISP user name already in pap-secrets
 The user name you entered for logging into your ISP is already listed in
 the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file. The existing entry
 will be commented out, and a new entry with the data you just entered will
 be inserted.

Template: ipppd/isploginchapalreadythere
Type: error
_Description: ISP user name already in chap-secrets
 The user name you entered for logging into your ISP is already listed in
 the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file. The existing entry
 will be commented out, and a new entry with the data you just entered will
 be inserted.

Template: ipppd/isploginpapchapalreadythere
Type: error
_Description: ISP user name already in chap-secrets and pap-secrets
 The user name you entered for logging into your ISP is already listed in
 the chap-secrets and pap-secrets files in /etc/ppp/.
 The existing entries will be commented out, and new entries with the data
 you just entered will be inserted.

Template: ipppd/oldipup
Type: error
_Description: /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/00-isdnutils still exists
 The /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/00-isdnutils file from the old isdnutils package
 still exists. If you changed that file at some point, you may need to redo
 those changes in the 00-ipppd file (which is the new name). After that,
 please delete the old 00-isdnutils file.
 Until it is deleted, it will still be used. This may cause conflicts.

Template: ipppd/oldipdown
Type: error
_Description: /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/99-isdnutils still exists
 The /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/99-isdnutils file from the old isdnutils package
 still exists. If you changed that file at some point, you may need to redo
 those changes in the 99-ipppd file (which is the new name). After that,
 please delete the old 99-isdnutils file.
 Until it is deleted, it will still be used. This may cause conflicts.

Template: ipppd/oldipupdown
Type: error
_Description: old /etc/ppp/ip-up.d and ip-down.d scripts still exist
 The /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/00-isdnutils and /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/99-isdnutils
 files from the old isdnutils package still exist. If you changed those
 files at some point, you may need to redo those changes in the 00-ipppd
 and 99-ipppd files (which are the new names). After that, please delete
 the old 00-isdnutils and 99-isdnutils files.
 Until they are deleted, they will still be used. This may cause conflicts.

Template: ipppd/noisdnutilsinit
Type: error
_Description: (Re)start ipppd manually
 There is no /etc/init.d/isdnutils on this system; hence you will have to
 stop and start any ipppd daemons manually.

Template: ipppd/isdnutilsinitbad
Type: error
_Description: Error running isdnutils init script
 The /etc/init.d/isdnutils script ran with errors. Please check the
 installation of the isdnutils-base package; reinstall it if necessary.
 Perhaps moving /etc/init.d/isdnutils.dpkg-dist (if it exists) to
 /etc/init.d/isdnutils will also help.
Template: isdnlog/country
Type: select
Choices-C: AT, FR, DE, LU, NL, NO, ES, CH, other
__Choices: Austria, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, 
Switzerland, other
# Translators: 
# Please choose among 
# "Austria, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, 
Switzerland, other"
_DefaultChoice: other
_Description: Country:
 Please choose the local country. This will be used to set the rate table to
 use for calculating the calls costs

Template: isdnlog/country_manual
Type: string
Description: Country's ISO two-letter code:
 Please enter the ISO code of the local country. As no rate
 tables are available, this setting will be unused.

Template: isdnlog/countryprefix
Type: string
Default: +
_Description: Prefix to dial before international number:

Template: isdnlog/countrycode
Type: string
Default: 49
# Translators: do not translate ${default_countrycode} and ${default_country}
_Description: Country ITU code:
 Please enter the international code for the local country.
 Example: ${default_countrycode} for ${default_country}

Template: isdnlog/areaprefix
Type: string
Default: 0
_Description: Prefix for area code, if applicable:

Template: isdnlog/areacode
Type: string
_Description: Local area code, if applicable:

Template: isdnlog/isdnrate-daemon
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Run isdnrate as a daemon?
 The isdnrate utility calculates the costs of a connection to a given
 phone number, used e.g. for LCR systems to find the cheapest carrier on a
 call-by-call basis. Having it run as a daemon speeds things up as then it
 only has to load all the data once.
 This setting is only useful for special setups, such as for an
 ISDN-to-H.323 gateway.
Template: isdnutils/firmware
Type: select
__Choices: none, ISAR.BIN
Default: none
_Description: Firmware to load:
 Some ISDN cards can't function properly until some firmware has been
 loaded. A notable example is the Sedlbauer SpeedFax+ PCI or Siemens
 I-Surf, which need ISAR.BIN to be loaded. Choose "ISAR.BIN" if this is

Template: isdnutils/firmwarecards
Type: string
_Description: ISDN card numbers to load with the firmware:
 If you use more than one card, enter the number of the card(s) in need
 of firmware.
 Multiple entries should be separated by commas. Card numbers are integers
 where "1" is the first card, "2" the second, etc.
Template: isdnvboxserver/msn
Type: string
Default: quit
_Description: Number that vbox should answer:
 Vbox must know what number to listen to. Depending on the country's ISDN
 system, this may or may not include the area code. Leading "0" should most
 often be dropped.
 Leave the field blank if you want to configure by hand, or if you already
 use an existing (working) vbox
 configuration from the time when this was still part of isdnutils (unless
 you want to create a new configuration).

Template: isdnvboxserver/rings
Type: string
Default: 4
_Description: Number of rings for vbox to pick up the line:
 One ring is about 5 seconds. This setting can later be fine-tuned
 for each incoming telephone number, for instance to aggressively
 filter some incoming numbers.
 You should read vbox.conf(5) for more information.

Template: isdnvboxserver/attachmsg
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Should incoming messages be attached to notification mails?
 When a message is recorded, an email notification is sent. If that
 email should contain the message as an attachment, choose the option.

Template: isdnvboxserver/daemonuser
Type: string
Default: vboxdaemonuser
_Description: Run the answering machine as:
 The vboxd daemon should run as an unprivileged (non-root) user. It must be
 a member of the "dialout" group.

Template: isdnvboxserver/nosuchuser
Type: text
# Translators, do not translate "Daemonuser"
_Description: ${Daemonuser} unknown
 The user you chose does not exist on this machine. You must choose
 a valid username.

Template: isdnvboxserver/user
Type: string
_Description: Login for the answering machine:
 Connections to the answering machine (using the vbox program provided
 by the isdnvboxclient package) will be prompted for a username and
 The username you define here does not have to correspond to a login
 account on this system.

Template: isdnvboxserver/password
Type: password
# Translators, do not translate "${User}"
_Description: Password for ${User}:
 Please choose the password for the ${User} connection user.

Template: isdnvboxserver/vboxnodir
Type: error
_Description: No home directory
 The home directory "${DIR}" for user "${USER}" does not exist. This means
 that the file "${DIR}/.vbox.conf" cannot be created.

Template: isdnvboxserver/vboxnouser
Type: error
_Description: Non-existing user
 The user "${USER}" doesn't exist on the system. Please rerun the
 configuration with "dpkg-reconfigure isdnvboxserver" to enter another
 username, or after creating the user.

Template: isdnvboxserver/doinit
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Should vboxgetty be enabled?
 A call for vboxgetty is defined in /etc/inittab, but not yet enabled. Choosing 
this option
 will enable it once this package is fully configured. Refuse this option
 if you want to tweak it manually.

Template: isdnvboxserver/devfs_inittab
Type: error
_Description: Device in inittab doesn't agree with devfs mode
 The entry for vboxgetty in /etc/inittab uses a device name that does not
 correspond to the current devfs usage; either a devfs (/dev/isdn/ttyIxx)
 name is used in inittab while devfs is not mounted, or the non-devfs name
 is used while devfs is mounted.
 This problem has to be fixed manually.

Template: isdnvboxserver/devfs_vboxgettyconf
Type: error
_Description: Device in vboxgetty.conf doesn't agree with devfs mode
 The device entry in /etc/isdn/vboxgetty.conf uses a device name that does
 not correspond to the current devfs usage; either a devfs
 (/dev/isdn/ttyIxx) name is used in vboxgetty.conf while devfs is not
 mounted, or the non-devfs name is used while devfs is mounted.
 This problem has to be fixed manually.

Template: isdnvboxserver/dummy
Type: note
Description: for internal use
 Note to translators: no need to translate this, not shown to users.
Source: isdnutils
Section: utils
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Debian QA Group <>
Uploaders: Paul Slootman <>
Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Build-Depends: debhelper (>=5), bzip2, libncurses5-dev | libncurses-dev, 
xutils-dev | imake, tcl8.3-dev, linuxdoc-tools (>=0.9.20), groff, libtool, 
libxaw7-dev, libreadline5-dev | libreadline-dev, libpcap0.8-dev, autotools-dev, 
automake1.4, automake1.7, automake1.9, autoconf2.13, autoconf, libssl-dev, 
psutils, lsb-release, po-debconf

Package: isdnutils
Priority: optional
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel 
powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Depends: isdnutils-base (= ${binary:Version}), ipppd, isdnlog, 
isdnutils-xtools, isdnvboxserver, isdnvboxclient, openbsd-inetd | 
inet-superserver, ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: isdnutils-doc, isdneurofile, pppdcapiplugin, capiutils
Conflicts: ipppd (<<1:3.1pre1b-23)
Description: ISDN utilities - dependency package
 This package depends on the most frequently used components for an
 ISDN system using an internal adapter; they are not required for an
 external adapter.
 The isdnutils suite is split up into component packages, to make it
 easier to fine-tune what is installed; hardly anyone needs everything.
 However, it's not possible to select what is needed automatically. This
 dependency package just ensures the most important components are
 installed, and can be safely removed again once that is done.
 The component packages involved are:
  * isdnutils-base:   the basic set of ISDN utilities;
  * ipppd:            for networking over ISDN with syncPPP;
  * isdnlog:          for logging ISDN calls (and much more);
  * isdnutils-xtools: graphical utilities (xisdnload and xmonisdn);
  * isdnvboxclient:   ISDN answering machine client;
  * isdnvboxserver:   ISDN answering machine server.
 It also suggests the following optional extras:
  * capiutils:        CAPI utilies;
  * isdneurofile:     for file transfer over the EUROFILE protocol;
  * isdnutils-doc:    additional documentation;
  * pppdcapiplugin:   a CAPI plugin for the normal PPP daemon.

Package: isdnutils-base
Priority: optional
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel 
powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Pre-Depends: debconf (>= 1.2.9) | debconf-2.0
Depends: udev | makedev (>= 2.3.1-77), ${shlibs:Depends}, lsb-base (>= 
1.3-9ubuntu3), ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: ipppd, isdnlog, isdnutils-doc, isdnutils-xtools, isdnvboxserver, 
Replaces: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-23)
Description: ISDN utilities - minimal set
 This package provides the basic set of ISDN utilities needed to make use
 of an ISDN card. For more complete functionality, install the isdnutils
 dependency package.

Package: isdnutils-xtools
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips 
mipsel powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Section: x11
Depends: isdnutils-base (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, 
Replaces: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-0)
Description: ISDN utilities - graphical tools
 This package provides xmonisdn and xisdnload, which are graphical tools
 for ISDN. Each in its own way gives a visual indication of the status of
 the ISDN lines, so that (for example) it is obvious when there is a
 They have been split out into a separate package to allow the others
 in the suite to avoid dependencies on the X Window System.

Package: ipppd
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips 
mipsel powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Section: net
Depends: isdnutils-base (= ${binary:Version}), debconf (>=1.2.9) | debconf-2.0, 
ppp, ${shlibs:Depends}, udev | makedev
Suggests: pdnsd
Replaces: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-0)
Description: ISDN utilities - PPP daemon
 This package provides the specially modified version of the Point to
 Point Protocol daemon needed to connect to the Internet through an
 internal ISDN card. It also supports dial-in connections from Windows

Package: isdnlog
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel 
powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Depends: isdnutils-base (= ${binary:Version}), isdnlog-data (>= 
${binary:Version}), debconf (>=1.2.9) | debconf-2.0, ${shlibs:Depends}, 
Replaces: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-0)
Description: ISDN utilities - connection logger
 This package provides a set of utilities that can log ISDN connections and
 calculate the cost of calls. If sufficient data is available, it can even
 recommend which alternate carrier would have been cheaper for a given call.
 For countries where calls are charged per discrete unit, it can disconnect
 the line just before the next unit starts.

Package: isdnlog-data
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Recommends: isdnlog (>= ${source:Version})
Description: ISDN utilities - connection logger data
 This package provides data related to call pricing, area codes, etcetera,
 in various countries, and is only useful with isdnlog.

Package: isdnutils-doc
Architecture: all
Section: doc
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-1)
Suggests: isdnutils-base (= ${source:Version})
Description: ISDN utilities - documentation
 This package includes the FAQ and other miscellaneous documentation
 for the ISDN utilities suite, in English and German.

Package: isdnvbox
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips 
mipsel powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Conflicts: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-1)
Depends: isdnvboxclient, isdnvboxserver, ${misc:Depends}
Recommends: sox
Description: ISDN utilities - answering machine dependency package
 Let your Debian system be your answering machine! Messages can be accessed
 remotely, automatically emailed, etc.
 This package depends for convenience on both the vbox server (with which
 the messages are recorded) and the client (with which you listen to them).

Package: isdnvboxclient
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips 
mipsel powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Conflicts: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-1), isdnvbox (<<1:3.1pre1b-2)
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, sox | nas-bin | alsa-utils, ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: isdnvboxserver
Replaces: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-0)
Description: ISDN utilities - answering machine client
 Let your Debian system be your answering machine! Messages can be accessed
 remotely, automatically emailed, etc.
 This package provides the vbox client, with which you can listen to the
 messages recorded by a vbox server (either running on the same machine or
 accessible over the network).

Package: isdnvboxserver
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips 
mipsel powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Conflicts: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-1),isdnvbox (<<1:3.1pre1b-2)
Depends: isdnutils-base (= ${binary:Version}), debconf (>=1.2.9) | debconf-2.0, 
${shlibs:Depends}, openbsd-inetd | inet-superserver, udev | makedev, 
Suggests: isdnvboxclient
Replaces: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-0)
Description: ISDN utilities - answering machine server
 Let your Debian system be your answering machine! Messages can be accessed
 remotely, automatically emailed, etc.
 This package provides the vbox server, which must be installed on the
 system with the ISDN card. To actually listen to the recorded messages
 you need the client package (isdnvboxclient) somewhere, not necessarily on
 the same system.

Package: capiutils
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel 
powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Depends: libcapi20-3 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, lsb-base (>= 
1.3-9ubuntu3), udev | makedev, ${misc:Depends}
Replaces: isdnactivecards (<< 1:3.6.2004-12-19-1)
Section: net
Description: ISDN utilities - tools for CAPI-capable cards
 Some ISDN cards (notably the AVM active cards, and the AVM passive cards
 when using the proprietary drivers) are accessed via the CAPI interface.
 The package contains utilities to initialize and get information about
 these cards.

Package: libcapi20-3
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips 
mipsel powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Replaces: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-0), libcapi20, libcapi20-2
Conflicts: libcapi20, libcapi20-2
Description: ISDN utilities - CAPI support libraries
 If you have an ISDN card with which CAPI works, you may be able to use
 CAPI-capable applications such as fax systems. At this point, AVM cards can
 work with CAPI, as well as some active cards. For the AVM passive cards you
 need to visit the website.
 This package will be installed automatically if needed.

Package: libcapi20-dev
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips 
mipsel powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Section: libdevel
Depends: libcapi20-3 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Replaces: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-0), libcapi20, libcapi20-2
Conflicts: libcapi20, libcapi20-2
Description: ISDN utilities - CAPI development libraries
 If you have an ISDN card with which CAPI works, you may be able to use
 CAPI-capable applications such as fax systems. At this point, AVM cards can
 work with CAPI, as well as some active cards. For the AVM passive cards you
 need to visit the website.
 This package provides files needed for development of CAPI-aware software.

Package: pppdcapiplugin
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips 
mipsel powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Depends: ppp (>=2.3.11), libcapi20-3 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, 
Section: net
Description: ISDN utilities - pppd plug-in for CAPI support
 Some ISDN cards can be used by CAPI utilities - for instance the AVM
 passive cards, when a module from the AVM website is loaded.
 This package provides a plug-in for the regular PPP daemon to use CAPI
 on such cards.

Package: isdnactivecards
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel 
powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Depends: isdnutils-base (= ${binary:Version}), capiutils (>= 
${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Replaces: isdnutils (<<1:3.1pre1b-0)
Description: ISDN utilities - active ISDN card support
 This package provides firmware and firmware-loading utilities for active
 ISDN cards (the Eicon, Eicon Diva, ICN, IBM Active 2000, or PCBIT-D cards).

Package: isdneurofile
Architecture: alpha amd64 arm armeb armel armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips 
mipsel powerpc ppc64 sparc s390
Section: comm
Depends: isdnutils-base (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, 
Description: ISDN utilities - EUROFILE support
 This package provides tools for sending/receiving files over an ISDN
 connection via the EUROFILE protocol, which is not used much outside of
 Germany (or even inside it).

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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