Keith Packard <> (31/12/2009):
> Check out the 'bash' manual -- set -e explicitly excludes precisely
> this case from causing early termination of the script:
> […]

Alrighty. I must confess I'm not really keen on checking what happens
in the various shells, but that seems to be true under dash as well,
so that might be OK.

> > Current/common practice within debhelper seems to be:
> > | if [ -x "`which foo 2>/dev/null`" ]; then…

^^^ (debhelper-like syntax) ^^^

> That also seems fine, if a bit longer.
> > I think I'm going to upload with such a change once I'm up (for real,
> > not vaguely opening eyes).
> cool! I'd prefer to build fontconfig with your desired change; the
> set +e change will hold until then. I'll change the one other case
> to match whatever you choose to use.

In the meanwhile, defoma was uploaded with the debhelper-like syntax
(as quoted above). In my previous mail[1], you can scratch “until new
defoma is installed on all architectures” since it's arch: all. ;)



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