Package: wvdial
Version: 1.60.4
Severity: minor
Tags: patch
Usertags: origin-ubuntu natty ubuntu-patch

FTBFS in Ubuntu Natty due to LDFLAGS being used when LIBS should be.
The attached patch fixes it, and does not break the package when built
with the current Debian toolchain.

We thought you could be interested in it, in case you run into the same
problem in Debian in the future.
--- Makefile.old	2010-12-26 01:48:48.966111000 +0100
+++ Makefile	2010-12-26 01:49:01.066111001 +0100
@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@
-wvdial: LDFLAGS+=-luniconf
+wvdial: LIBS+=-luniconf
 wvdial wvdialconf papchaptest pppmon: wvdial.a

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