El 04/08/16 a las 14:51, Raphael Hertzog escribió:

On Sun, 31 Jul 2016, adrian15 wrote:
Is there anyone else than can provide feedback on this patch / branch?

Either by:

* Installing live-build with this applied patch
* Building your iso and check if it boots in both BIOS and UEFI mode.
* Check non usual UEFI machines.

I suspect it's fine to wait for one week for feedback.
After that time I'll try to request a proper pull / insertion into Debian's
live-build repo and probably into live-build package binaries.

I can give a try to your patchset but I'm currently in vacation so it
would not be before the third week of August.

This is just FYI but you don't have to wait on my feedback to get your
work merged if people are happy with it.


Hi Raphael,

  Kristian Klausen thinks is a good idea to wait for your tests.

So your feedback is welcome.

  Thank you.

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