El Dilluns, 12 de setembre de 2016, a les 11:39:05, Mattia Rizzolo va 
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 01:08:38PM +0200, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> > today I have found Markus mail, so, first of all sorry for the delay.
> nvm
> > I have done the changes and pushed to collab-maint. I have not done the
> > tag, waiting to see if all is ok.
> > 
> > So, please could you review and upload the package?
> So, I'll review and sponsor it for you!
> first of all, you haven't pushed pristine-tar data.
> Given that you already imported the new source, now you'll have to
> manually call pristine-tar this way:
>     pristine-tar commit ../pygccxml_1.8.0.orig.tar.gz upstream/1.8.0
> except that you also didn't push the upstream tag, so that command won't
> work either (unless you have the tag locally, as I think you do).

Yes, you are right. Sorry. It's done now.

> Then, you added trailing newlines in d/control on lines 16 and 17.  And
> unzip is not properly sorted.  please use wrap-and-sort to normalize
> them (with the options '-ast' so it'll be like the other lines).  Yes, I
> already forsee there will be some other changes to other lines you
> didn't touch, but that's fine.

Done, the only thing that I don't like is that we have an extra comma at the 
end of each field that has commas as separators.

> Last, since yesterday we have a new debhelper compat level, I think it'd
> be good to update packages when possible, so please read the changes
> involved in debhelper(7), and bump the compat level to 10.

I have done that but I have undo. I work mostly with stable and backports. I'm 
lintian complains that I needed to bumb debhelper. And I would like to 
maintain a backward compatibility. debhelper 10 doesn't offer nothing 
interesting for this package. At least IMHO. Please, don't make me change 
this, it's not needed.

> Once you solved this nitpicks I'll try to build and possibly upload :)
> (haven't tried a build as my workflow requires pristine-tar being
> up-to-date and working).



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