Control: tags -1 +moreinfo unreproducible

> In the last few days, pm-powersave is being called roughly once per
> second, which is logging to /var/log/pm-powersave.log until there's no
> disk space left. I don't think I have any custom configuration of
> pm-utils or related software.

I'm trying to reproduce this on every x86 piece of hardware I have, without
success.  Could you say more especially about "in the last few days"?  What
did change?  I assume you don't reboot daily, so the real reason is time
shifted.  Still, because of the freeze, changes don't happen often, so the
packaged I'd suspect are systemd and the kernel, with a strong hunch about
the former.  If the bug is readily reproducible for you, would you care to
downgrade either systemd or the kernel and check then?

> Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

This may be the issue: systemd has a NIH implementation of pm stuff, which
might be fighting with that of pm-utils.

Generally, on systemd machines, keeping pm-utils is kind of pointless, while
it is vital on any x86 box that gets suspended and uses other inits.

As you filed this bug just days before the total freeze, there's rather
little time to find out what might be wrong -- especially that no one else
seems to have this problem.

Don't be racist.  White, amber or black, all beers should be judged based
solely on their merits.  Heck, even if occasionally a cider applies for a
beer's job, why not?
On the other hand, corpo lager is not a race.

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