On Mon, 15 May 2017, Adam Borowski wrote:

> > Looking at /etc/hosts within the schroot, I see:
> >       localhost
> >       localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
> >    abel.debian.org abel
> > 
> > Modifying /etc/hosts by replacing ::1 with results in being able
> > to reproduce the issue on other machines as well.
> So it's a fully _reproducible_ bug, with a well-defined immediate cause
> (even if we haven't identified the indirect cause yet) -- unlike the
> original report by Santiago Villa.  Thus, it looks we have two different
> bugs that just happen to trigger the same failure mode.
> And thus, even if we fix the schroot issue, Santiago's bug likely won't be
> fixed.

Hello everybody.

I'd like to clarify that most probably there was only one bug here
after all, namely, the one in schroot (#842634).

I initially reported this as "random" because I had a mix of
successful builds and failed builds, but most probably the
autobuilders in which it failed were always the same, the ones in
which the build succeeded were always the same, and I just failed to
recognize the pattern.

Fortunately you have found the real reason for the bug (while I was
missing from the discussion :-), and I believe this was the only
reason it failed for me last year.

Now a simple question: Do you think the workaround you prepared could
still be useful at all (I personally don't think so), or should I just
reassign this to schroot and use "affects"?


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