On 03/01/2020 20:44, Steve Langasek wrote:

Package: schroot
Followup-For: Bug #947919
User: ubuntu-de...@lists.ubuntu.com
Usertags: origin-ubuntu focal ubuntu-patch

Attached is an updated patch which implements source chroots as well.

Dear Steve,

I've had a look over the patch, and have a few comments on it.

Firstly, it looks really great.  I've no major criticisms to make of it, so many thanks for taking the time and effort to implement this, it's a great addition.

If you hadn't already seen it, there's an existing implementation here:


on this branch:


I don't know if your work was using this as a basis for your work on top of the 1.6 branch (the work here is against master, which is a bit different).  If you haven't already, it might be worth looking though.  I think, overall, your implementation is better in terms of the options it provides and the environment it sets, but it might be useful to compare just in case it has any interesting bits you want to pick up.  Note that I didn't complete this work; the C++ side was mostly done but the scripting side for setting up the ZFS snapshots was not.  At the time, I wasn't entirely sure on how best to use ZFS to implement source chroots reliably, which I think you've done better but I think not completely (as detailed below).

When you clone a snapshot, you're getting an ephemeral dataset and snapshot which the 05zfs script is correctly creating and destroying.  No problems here that I can see.

When you clone a source snapshot, we want to make that snapshot the default state for the original dataset when you end the session.  The "file" chroot type is the most comparable here; the LVM and Btrfs snapshots operate directly on the original copy. Right now the ZFS source chroot clone looks as ephemeral as a regular cloned session, so I'm not sure the current behaviour is corect.  We want the saving of the updated source chroot to be done such that it appears atomic for any concurrent usage to clone the old state or the new state, and never an intermediate state as the original is updated.  It's this part that I wasn't sure about.  I don't see an equivalent to "zfs promote" which would allow copying back a clone (or snapshot of a clone) to the source dataset, and I don't see any source-chroot-specific logic in 05zfs which would preserve any source chroot changes.

One possible method would be to create an @latest snapshot which would be used in preference to creating a new snapshot should it exist, so that we could copy the content over while this snapshot exists.  The implementation would have to cope with races if it's deleted before cloning, however, by falling back to creating a new snapshot.  And only the original creator should be deleting it, so it would also have to cope with deleting it if the original process aborted without deleting it.

Another alternative which springs to mind is to make the source chroot a directory chroot type, so it's working directly on the source dataset.  But snapshot with @latest-source and when others start a session, clone that tag.  When you end the session, update that tag.  There's also the option of rollback if you want to throw away the changes.  This would restrict you to one source chroot session at a time, but it's simpler and has less to deal with in terms of races, and fits in a bit better with how ZFS wants things done.

I'm sure some strategy could be worked out; these considerations were the primary reason I never merged in that branch and made a new major release of schroot.  If you or anyone else has better expertise on how to safely implement this, I'd be happy to work on merging your work into the master branch and releasing this.  Note however, that the master schroot branch did made some incompatible configuration changes.  The biggest change was dropping support for the lvm-snapshot and btrfs-snapshot chroot types, which in practice have proven quite unreliable due to kernel and other implementation bugs, including races in udev when using LVM and filesytem unbalancing and dataloss with Btrfs.  zfs-snapshot should be free of all these irritations.

Another comment regarding updating of the source chroot.  With the current methods, primarily 05file, the source is unconditionally updated (repacked) when the session is ended. I've always been a little unhapy with this, in case you mess things up and want to throw it away.  This would require an additional option adding to schroot to pass through with --end-session.  It would be a session option like --session-name. Maybe --save-session to require the overwriting.  Or a negative option if you want the default to be to save.  Or a Boolean option to make it explicit and mandatory.  With the @latest-source, above, this could invoke "zfs rollback".  Or with the other approach, you would throw away the clone without updating the original dataset.  This is really a separate feature, but I wanted to mention it because it could have a good deal of value for ZFS-based chroot management.

Lastly, I saw the buildds were failing due to an issue with the unit test; looks like it needs updating to match the configuration serialisation?

Kind regards,


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