Nice work, Chris

Am 28.06.20 um 21:16 schrieb Chris Hofstaedtler:

> $ ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
> (0x00007f289aec6000)
> ...
> $ ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
> (0x00007f71ffd16000)
> ...
> $ nm -Dg /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep json_object_iter
> 0000000000006fe0 T json_object_iter_begin
> 0000000000007000 T json_object_iter_end
> 0000000000007040 T json_object_iter_equal
> 0000000000007050 T json_object_iter_init_default
> 0000000000007010 T json_object_iter_next
> 0000000000007020 T json_object_iter_peek_name
> 0000000000007030 T json_object_iter_peek_value
> $ nm -Dg /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep json_object_iter
> 0000000000009030 T json_object_iter
> 0000000000009050 T json_object_iter_at
> 00000000000090b0 T json_object_iter_key
> 0000000000009080 T json_object_iter_next
> 0000000000009b00 T json_object_iter_set_new
> 00000000000090d0 T json_object_iter_value
> I'm considering cloning and reassinging to json-c and jansson.
> Personally I would guess jansson should not export symbols named
> json_*, but this is going to be ... interesting.

Agreed, this should be tracked separately.
Sorry for hijacking #963721 with that firewalld issue.
To my defence, it appeared to be related due to the libmount1 update
triggering the issue.


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