Control: reassign -1 libappindicator3-1 0.4.92-7


Please note the Bug Tracking System will assign your report to all 
"packages" (space separated strings) in the 'Package: line", which is 
probably not what you intended.

'Version:' should also contain just the version string and nothing else.

For details see

Kind regards,

On Lu, 07 sep 20, 12:15:22, Konstantin K wrote:
> Package: libappindicator3-1/stable,now 0.4.92-7 armhf [installed,automatic]
> Version: 0.4.92-7 armhf
> When I'm trying to create a new appindicator for a GJS application,
> it's crashing with the error.
> Here is a transcript:
> $ ./obmin-indicator
> ** (OBMIN Indicator:2879): WARNING **: 10:08:34.219: Failed to load
> shared library '' referenced by the typelib:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory
> (OBMIN Indicator:2879): Gjs-WARNING **: 10:08:34.219: JS ERROR: Error:
> Unsupported type void, deriving from fundamental void
> build_menu@/home/pi/Projects/obmin@konkor/common/indicator.js:159:9
> wrapper@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82:22
> _onStartup@/home/pi/Projects/obmin@konkor/common/indicator.js:88:9
> wrapper@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82:22
> @/home/pi/Projects/obmin@konkor/common/indicator.js:395:1
> @./obmin-indicator:17:7
> I also have tried the newer versions of packages (0.4.92-8 armhf) from
> the testing branch. The package libdbusmenu-glib is installed and the
> referenced library is located in
> /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
> I am using Raspbian Buster on Raspberry Pi 4 armhf architecture.
> $uname -r
> Linux raspberrypi 5.4.51-v7l+ #1333 SMP Mon Aug 10 16:51:40 BST 2020
> armv7l GNU/Linux

Looking after bugs assigned to unknown packages

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