Roger Leigh wrote...

> I was having a think about this last night.  To be completely
> realistic, schroot maintenance is very low on my list of my
> priorities.  Work on it is sporadic at best.  My interest in it is
> also fairly low.  I’ve moved on to other things.

That's sad to hear.

> I don’t think that something which is not maintained or well supported
> should be used as a critical part of the Debian build infrastructure,
> and honestly, | think you should take steps to remove it entirely.  It
> was a nice tool, it served its purpose, but it is dated and limited,
> and has been completely eclipsed by Docker.  If you can switch over to
> using Docker, I think you should make an active effort to do so.

And those who cannot or don't want to because of the consequences?

The highly convenient feature of schroot are simplicity, maturity and
therefore reliability in its usage. So it's a tool that "just works",
something people value once they've grown into a greybeard and/or want
to be sure the workflow around a tool doesn't break every now and then.
I can live with some shortcomings otherwise, or might even try to work
on them.

Also, there are more usecases than just package building: I use schroot
to manage interactive chroots where I can check the behaviour of other
distributions and (to some extent) other architectures.

> Now that you have GitLab on salsa, how much work would it be to:

There is life outside salsa, and gitlab itself really is a textbook
example of how software should not be. Huge and complex, and certainly
not easy to set up, client/server, bad content presentation for limited
clients, yada yada. While I just want to maintain a few packages that
are not part of Debian for various reasons.

So long story short: schroot is deeply tied to my workflows. Having to
switch to anything different (and first: Finding an alternative at all)
will require more time and other resources than I can afford to spend.
In Debian, schroot has been orphaned for way too much time now, so
before schroot completely falls out of shape, I have no choice but doing
the Zorg[1], details in #900874 in a moment. Doing upstream as well
is an option, too. My C++ needs some cleanup first though.



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