On Tue, 3 Jul 2018 13:20:13 +0200 Helio Loureiro
<he...@loureiro.eng.br> wrote:
> Hi,
> I started on Debian at Ham release.  At that time mpage was part of
> Debian.  So I've a profound relationship with mpage as great tool
> along all these years.
> But if my statement is correct, that package after 20 years at Debian
> was wrongly removed due a license which doesn't apply to delivered
> binaries, 

The licensing was not the only reason that removal was requested.

> do you really believe the best approach is to ask a
> volunteer out of Debian developers/maintainers to join on Debian
> mentors to fix it? 

Yes - that is the established process for all packages.

>  Wouldn't be
> easier for you and Eriberto to just revert the removal? 

There is no method for doing this which does not require a volunteer to
do the upload and, clearly, nobody is sufficiently interested to spend
any time on that. The former maintainer(s) of this package had already
orphaned it before removal. Many packages in the QA group are fixed by
volunteers outside Debian using Debian mentors - the process works well.

Those who care about the package are the ones motivated to do work
on the package.

> I guess that
> any DSC from theses 20 years of Debian would work just fine.

No. It will need to be updated to current Debian Standards Version and
fix any lintian warnings etc. and there will need to be a new review of
the licensing through the FTP process.
Besides, the removal was not just for licensing:
Bug 876197
> I think this package is no longer useful and can be removed.

Someone needs to be sufficiently interested in the package to do this
work. If that is not you, it looks like there is nobody else willing to
volunteer, so the situation will not change. It seems obvious that
nobody else considers the package useful.

Just pinging the bug report will not suddenly produce a volunteer to do
the work.

Personally, I do not see merit in having mpage in Debian. I am
comfortable with the removal of a package with such a small niche.

Neil Williams

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