On Tue, 8 Nov 2022 15:07:49 +0100
Zouze Eater <zouze.ea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> is there a way to identify the original submitter of a package
> integrated to debian package list ?

Note: Personally, I have no interest in this package specifically and I
will not get involved in reintroducing it. I'm only pointing you at the
information that exists. It is up to you to work out how to proceed, if
at all. I am not willing to respond to further questions on this

The information you requested is on the page you provided - the link at

The first submission of the package was:

Contact information for the person who made that upload is in that
file. Whether that person is still active is no longer a concern for
Debian because the package has been removed. As a volunteer, that
person may or may not respond to your questions, there is no
obligation. From the orphaning bug report
(https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=838701), it would
seem that he is no longer active, at least as far as this code is

Also on the tracker page is a link to the last available copyright
information for the package, under "versioned links"
which includes information on the original download location.

The VCS for the package has now been deleted, the package was never
migrated from an old service (alioth) to the new (salsa), so the old
VCS link is a 404. (The migration would have needed the maintainer to
be active but the package had already been removed.)

The package will need substantial work to be brought up to date to
include all the required changes since the last upload by the

for the reasons for removal. The largest problem is going to be that
the package needs Python2 - the code would have to be ported to Python3
before anything else happens.

See https://mentors.debian.net/ for some idea on how you can get that
work done. (It seems unlikely that anyone else cares.)

> In fact i'm from a big company that used a forked version of tac_plus
> daemon (  https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/tacacs%2B ) for 15 years, and
> would like to give back our internal developments contributons to the
> open source community.
> But first, we have to identify the "nearest" open source version
> available version in terms of code base.
> Is it a fixed version of a "shruberry" version ?

https://shrubbery.net/tac_plus/ is still shown as the homepage and
download location if that's what you mean. That page doesn't seem to
have been updated since 2014, which matches the last year of the last
maintainer upload to Debian.

It may be best simply to push your code to a public git repository
(like github) and let people find it, if they want it.

Neil Williams

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