On 31/07/2023 08.52, Marco wrote:
On Sun, 30 Jul 2023 18:46:11 +0000 Marco <m...@posteo.de> wrote:
On Mon, 26 Jun 2023 08:28:22 +0000 Marco <m...@posteo.de> wrote:
Fedora has some systemd unit files included, maybe these are helpful

Is anybody here working on that issue?
It seems that the sysvinit script is being partially generated by
sendmailconfig. Is the goal of Debian to still provide that or to
deprecate sendmailconfig?

If it should be kept, I assume it needs to be changed to native
integrate with systemd without using start-stop-daemon.

Deprecating this sendmailconfig functionality makes integrating with
systemd much easier. Configuring queue runner and daemon mode would be
easier in a special file that is being read by the systemd unit.

I wouldn't go away from sendmailconfig since that would probably break the sendmail usage for the people still using sendmail ... and without maintainer we have noone to clean up after such breakage ...

Maybe we could introduce a sendmail-systemd package to allow running sendmail "the modern way" without breaking "the classic way". We probably need to split the sendmail-bin and sendmail-base packages to decouple the sysv and sendmailconfig bits from the parts that are shared with sendmail-systemd.

Patches welcome!


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