On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 07:57:27AM -0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> They aren't necessarily more important changes, but Ubuntu, unlike other
> derivatives, publishes deltas relative to Debian so that maintainers can
> review them easily.
> If similar facilities are available for any other Debian derivative, I would
> say that they should be included as well.  However, I'm not aware of any.

actually, a good interface to send patches back to debian in an easy way
might even *make* more people provide deltas relative to debian. after
all it must be a pain for a derived distribution to recompile every
package on every update just because you have this tiny patch applied...

so i'd say: a good way to notify maintainers of patches against their
packages (apart from the bts) is probably cool. making it
ubuntu-specific or (yuck!) applying these patches (semi-)automatically
is bad.

cu  robert

Robert Lemmen                               http://www.semistable.com 

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