On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 08:39:24PM +0100, Luk Claes wrote:
> Hi
> Some people of the qa group seem to have sudo access to the qa user and
> others do not. Is there any reason why not all members of the qa group
> have this access?
> Maybe we should try to remove the rather inactive members of the qa
> group, add some new active members and get sudo access for the qa user
> for all the members of the qa group?
> Currently it seems that tbm,weasel,igenibel,aba,jeroen,myon,herzog have
> sudo access to the qa user.
> While the qa group currently consists of:
> he,aba,luk,tbm,joy,vela,zack,myon,amaya,joerg,jordi,damog,jello,djpig,
> zobel,anibal,weasel,jeroen,treinen,hertzog,kroeckx,filippo,cjwatson,
> apollock,pmachard,adeodato,igenibel,rra,adn,lucas
> It seems that
> joy,jordi,jello,djpig,anibal,weasel,cjwatson,apollock,pmachard,igenibel
> don't seem to be very active on the QA Team at the moment, though if you
> are one of them, please do prove me wrong :-)
> It seems that mario,ana are active new QA contributors who could be
> added to the qa group.


  .''`.     Mario Iseli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 : :'  :    Debian GNU/Linux developer
 `. `'`
   `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system

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