
Recently the Pkg-Java Team decided to try and remove inactive people
from the team and from the Uploaders Field of packages.

We developed two scripts to help us in this endeavor, which may or may
not be of interest to the QA/Mia team.

The first one[1] will attempt to parse one or more gzipped Mailing List
files looking for logins to alioth. To use it, download a few months of
the "commit mailing list" for the team and create a list of users in
this format (one per line):
 <Name> (<login>)

You can fetch some data to test it with from [2]. Pass it the name file
first and then all the archive files it should read. Running it, you
should get something like this:
 nobody: No commits found
 nthykier-guest: Mon Apr  5 20:24:32 2010

The second script[3] we made was a script to determine the last upload
by  parsing the changelog of packages and look for an email in the
signature line. It only looks at the signature line so currently it
bindly ignores [ $name ] statements, but I think I can fix that.

To reduce the search space it relies on grep-dctrl to list all the
"interesting" packages. It can either by run on a normal machine, where
it will fetch the changelogs it cannot find[4]; but it also supports
reading the changelogs from the lintian.debian.org setup.
  If you have access to lintian.d.o (or a mirrored setup) I can
recommend using that for queries. It takes a little effort to setup (see
[5]), but as I understand it the runtimes are vastly better. I do not
have access myself, but I know Damien Raude-Morvan (drazzib) has tried
to use it with success on lintian.d.o.

The dependencies/requirements are listed in [5].

Hope you find it useful,


Sample name file:
Mail archive:


It will look for the changelog in /usr/share/doc/$src_package/. It
claims it that it has a switch to make it always download them, but I
never got it implemented.

  dpkg-dev (testing,unstable) or libdpkg-perl (experimental)
   - for changelog-scanner.pl

If you are on a stable machine (e.g. lintian.d.o), you can still use
changelog-scanner.pl by unpacking dpkg-dev/libdpkg-perl and using:
  perl -I$UNPACKED_ROOT/usr/share/perl5 changelog-scanner.pl

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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