On Thu, Jul 07, 2011 at 07:26:58PM +0200, Paul Wise wrote:
> > - the reborn of a sources.debian.org service (sort of browsable /
> >  highlighted/ searchable Debian sources at your fingertips on the web)
> Is there any info about this?

Not yet, as I wanted (and still want) to have a prototype to show before
starting yet another "let's design this thing together" and then noone
has something to show :) But your input here has been quite helpful, let
me comment on a few points.

> Last year Noel was working on such a project also:
> http://wiki.debian.org/source.debian.org

Yes, I've been in contact with Noel and he has happily given to me the
*.debian.net entry as he doesn't plan to have time to work on it in the
near future.

> At one point there was source.debian.net running OpenGrok, a very nice
> Java-based source code indexer.

I haven't yet chosen the technology for code indexing, but if anyone has
experience with *multi-language* code indexers, I'd be happy to hear
from you. I've looked around a bit, but I've found good technologies
only for specific languages and I really don't want to have to run
different indexers for different languages and maintain some proxy code
that queries all of them in parallel. Hence the fallback I had in mind
was some non-programming-language thing, like dear old Xapian. But I
welcome better suggestions.

> Yeah, DACA was my initial thought here. Why not have a
> source-has-warnings-from-cppcheck lintian warning and logs for those
> on lintian.d.o. Same goes for lots of the other existing checkers
> listed in the mentors metrics[1] ideas; jpeginfo --check, pngcheck,
> mp3diags, desktop-file-validate, fontlint, gettext-lint etc.

I guess that would clash with the dear old tension among minimizing
lintian dependencies and being able to do very specific checks. We
really don't want to have lintian depend on all static analysis tools
out there and, last time I've checked, lintian maintainers didn't want
to have conditional tests (i.e. tests active only when a specific other
package is installed) to maintain test reproducibility.  I know lintian
maintainers have been struggling with this design decision for a while,
but I don't know the current state of the discussion.

Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Quando anche i santi ti voltano le spalle, |  .  |. I've fans everywhere
ti resta John Fante -- V. Capossela .......| ..: |.......... -- C. Adams

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